2011年2月26日 星期六

Adsense | PRO提示在AdSense

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作為一個 AdSense的出版者,您允許谷歌在網站上放置廣告,所以,當有人點擊廣告。谷歌將分享部分收益,他們從廣告客戶和你在一起。直到現在,沒有人知道到底有多少谷歌分裂分享其出版商,但有消息說,可高達 78%。 (谷歌獲得 22%)

所以,你有你的AdSense代碼,其放置到您的網站,什麼 接下來呢?從邏輯上講,接下來應該是很簡單。盡可能多的人點擊您的廣告和中提琴!你'已經有了一些錢到您的AdSense帳戶。

現在,你才會讓你的想像力橫行 .....看看谷歌的條款和條件。很多人都得到了他們的AdSense帳戶被禁止或刪除甚至不知道發生什麼事。


1。關鍵字選擇 - 每次點擊費用

2.Click率 - 哪些是實際的,你的點擊量獲得了100風險。

3。交通到您的網站 - 沒有它,您的AdSense網站是沒有意義的。


在您開始 AdSense代碼放置到您的網站。你要考慮的主題和內容,優化您的網站它與正確的關鍵字,因為這將吸引相關的廣告給你網頁。另外不同的廣告命令不同的價格。所以,你會想談談內容(關鍵字),帶給你最好的每次點擊費用。 (意思是你賺更多的當有人點擊您的廣告。)


如果你有100遊客到您的網站,其中50點擊您的廣告,(任何廣告來自谷歌),那麼您的點擊率是50%。從理論上講,你的點擊率越高越好。然而,在現實中並非所有的訪問者誰訪問你的網站會點擊您的廣告和'是正常的。事實上,如果你是不切實際的高點擊率,谷歌會開始懷疑你,並可能給你一個警告或者甚至禁止你沒有警告。 (這是真的,因為它發生在我的一個朋友),所以,不要嘗試去點擊自己的廣告,或者告訴你的朋友做,除非您要結束自己的AdSense生涯很快。

通常情況下,點擊率的範圍可以從 3%至高達 30%。一些提示,以提高點擊率,包括以下內容。

1。確保您的廣告看起來不像廣告。 (刪除邊框,混合色,背景等)


3。圖片放置在您的AdSense廣告是一個技巧專家來大幅度提高他們的CRT顯示器。 (高達 300%,對我來說)


嗯....現在我們來到了至關重要的部分。沒有交通,最好的網站在世界上已經死了。 (沒有點擊,沒有錢)最好的方式獲得免費的流量是通過搜索引擎優化,讓你免費曝光。但是,這將需要一些SEO知識來實現。

你也可以寫文章,並提交給目錄或E鋅。這是一個非常有效的方式獲得長遠的交通,並增加你網站排名的安全傳輸最快的方法是通過支付每點擊搜索引擎。然而,這樣做有效和經濟。你將不得不使用方法套利。 (例如,如果您的點擊率是3%。與你花0.05美元,每點擊獲得您的訪客。然後你將不得不作出至少5美元從這 3點擊收支平衡)此方法花費你的錢,但你可以快速的交通。只要確保你不'噸花費超過你的收入。

Adsense | 7 Tips And Tricks To Increase Your Adsense Earnings Guaranteed

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7 tips and tricks to make your AdSense ad receive more clicks and more profit!

Find out how to deal with a few little tricks to increase your AdSense revenue dramatically ...

The First tip: - Tip #1

Use the proper framework for AdSense. Google AdSense offers you the ability to change the appearance of your AdSense display. It has been shown that AdSense without a framework bring more clicks than AdSense with a frame. Internet users have developed enough savvy to recognizes advertisements on a site immediately.

Once you have a framework for your AdSense ads it "triggers" the users to avoid clicking on the ad.

More often than not, this flags the user to simply ignore it!

An AdSense ad on your website, which has framework results in the visitors doing nothing more than ignoring your banner.

Avoid anything immediately recognized as a advertising. This is particularly true for the when there is a frame outside your text link AdSense ads. Define your settings in the configuration of the AdSense simply the border color with the same color as your site background. Thus, for example: Home White background = white AdSense framework.

The Second - Tip #2
Setting the text color and the color of the hyperlink AdSense ads The case is similar with the color of the text and the link color. If you do not want your AdSense ads to be immediately recognized by visitors. You must define the text color as well as the hyperlink color, just as your home page text and links on the homepage also appear. If that is your hyperlinks to your site are displayed in green so you define the link color in the AdSense ads with the same green color. The same applies to the AdSense text, even this should be the same color of the text.

Try using light grey for both your text and your Google Adsense ADS.

The Third - Tip #3 What is the most efficient AdSense format for use on your home page?

This point can not be quite so easy to define, because ultimately, the AdSense format also must somehow fit into your home page. With great certainty a less efficient AdSense format is the banner 468 x 60!!

This is because this format is the standard format of banner ads, and thus immediately recognized as an advertisement by most internet users.

As mentioned above, today's Internet users have added the banner format 468 X 60 in their memory and immediately recognize it as a banner, even if that includes text ads. Avoid if possible using this banner format in the installation of your AdSense on your site. As one of the most effective banner formats, the AdSense format 336 x 280 is proven to be more effective.

Properly configured and deployed, it is with this format on a homepage that you will see the greatest results.Most people don't filter this out and recognize this as advertising.

The Fourth Tip - # 4 Never build a website based soley on one niche and Adsense.
You should avoid all your Internet revenue being solely based on AdSense. Because what happens when Google internal business policy changes, or your account gets hijacked?

I've been reading a few forums and blogs about Google Adsense tips lately, and thought it would be helpful to consolidate as many as possible in one place without the comments. I've also thrown in a few tips of my own. We start out with some of the basic general stuff and move to the more specific topics later on.....

Build an Empire....?

When you're deciding to become a website publisher you will fall into one of two broad categories:

Publish 100 websites that each earn $1 a day profit?
Publish 1 website that earns $100 a day profit?

The reality of it is, most people end up somewhere in between. Having 100 websites does indeed leave with maintenance, management and content issues. But having one website also leaves you open to all sort of fluctuations (search engines algorithm's, market trends, etc).....

You can adapt your plan on the way, but you'll have an easier time if you start out going in the direction of where you want to end up.

Would you rather start a soda vending machine business and maintain 100 vending machines everyday?

Or would you rather work from the comfort of your home slowly growing and maintaining 100 websites?

It will take time but start with one build it and let it settle for a month or so while you continue creating niche based websites.

You will spend a minimal amount of money and lots of time getting started but.....would you pay $200 a month for 3 months learning a business that will pay you back your initial investment for a continued period of time?

I would happily pay $2000 for a few months to learn a business that could ultimately make me $2000 per month for the rest of my life.....

The secret that will make your AdSense revenues can double. There are ways in which your current AdSense revenue up to 100% or more can increase by a small but effective trick - even the pros use - for the design of your AdSense ads.........

Well ... Do I have your attention?

Tests on my websites have actually shown that this effect is not stunt his misguided and thus the turnover was substantially increase it.

Tip Fifth Tip - #5 Where should the AdSense units to be placed As mentioned above, it is most effective when the AdSense running on your home page text can be implemented.

".....The best so that the text will flow around the AdSense and thus creates a visual layout, as would the AdSense for content on your web site belongs....."

Tip ixth Tip - #6 Now I know how to improve my CTR but how can I improve my earnings? AdSense is one of the best tools you can use to draw dollars to your site. Remember that there is no easy way to make money on Adsense... it takes a lot of work.

".....You can start of by blocking low paying advertisers with Filters......"

Why to loose a visitor for 0.01 cents?

Use Overture or Google Adwords Keywords tool to discover keywords that are less popular with advertisers.

Tip #7 AdSense How many boxes can be placed on a website?

Google allows you to three ad units and one link unit per page. How many should you use?

"....Quite simply, everything you can. You are three ad units and an ad link unit. Provided of course that you have enough text on your home page, it is possible that not all units ads are filled with ads....."

Check after a few days to see whether all the Adsense ads are relevant. You know what AdSense ads bring the most revenue in you're niche.

"......In the Setup menu in Google AdSense, you have the possibility of using your AdSense channels units in groups to capture statistics. This provides Google with a little more focused way to know which groups AdSense better turnover and which are not as likely to be clicked...."

If you want to take things even further you can also...

Discover what AdSense ads are clicked find the provider of the AdSense ads, or the website on which the advertisement, and find it even more possibilities and partner and sell affiliate products.

For example, if you notice that your Site visitors often ads to click on a particular topic would be also a product that you are on your site can offer, because it seems to be the case that your target audience to a need for this product.

So why not own the product offering as an affiliate and earn more margin than just a few cents with AdSense?

Some Brief History about me....

I've always been extremely eager to learn about all of the ways you can make money from the internet.

There are so many different ways to make money, I'll admit that it can get very overwhelming.

But, if you boil everything down into the one "thing" that is necessary to generate money online - "it comes down to how well you can generate "targeted" traffic to your website."

When I started online, way back in the early 2000s, I owned a aquariam supply related website.

I managed to get my website to the top of Google for the most competitive keywords in the world. Keywords like: salt water aquarium, aquarium supplies, wholesale aquarium supplies

I put ALOT of work into getting my website to the top of Google for those keywords. Why did I spend so much time and effort to try and rank highly for those keywords?

I'll tell you exactly why... Because I knew those keywords would send ALOT of traffic to my site. Back in the day, I thought...

Alot of traffic = Alot of sales.....!

I mean, heck, common sense would tell you that the more traffic you got to your website, the more sales you would make, right?

WRONG ... Back then, I, like most other people, thought that's the way it all worked, or I obviously wouldn't have spent to much time and effort on those keywords.

Let me explain....

While I did have #1 rankings for nearly every single major keyword related to the aquarium supplies industry and it was bringing in over 10,000 visitors to my dinky little website PER DAY, the conversion rate (i.e. the amount of sales I made per visitor) was ridiculously low.

I sold roughly 1 product for every 1,000 people that came to my site.

That's a .1% conversion rate. You heard me right, "point one percent".

If you don't know what a good conversion rate is, let me just say that you should never have below a 1 percent conversion rate, let alone a .1 percent. Getting 1,000 visitors to your site per day takes a heck of a lot of work....

".....If I had to do it all over again, I would NOT spend my time on such broad, competitive keyword phrases like: weight loss. ... only to have such a poor visitor value and very little return for my time and effort....."

I would spend my time ranking for, bidding on, and basing my entire business on keywords that are already 100% proven to convert visitors into buyers....

Because, let's face it, we want people to come to our website and BUY our stuff. We don't want people visiting our site if they're just going to leave, right....?

There are two major problems that online marketers have, and they are:

They focus on extremely broad keywords that just bring a lot of random traffic to their websites.They don't know how to properly research their market to find which people are buying what they're selling.

Because you've read up to this point, problem #1 should no longer be a sticking point for you. It can lead to a lot of extra work, with very little results.

"......In fact, in my case, it was downright depressing to have 10,000 daily visitors, only to make 10 sales a day. I had imagined that when the day came that I had 10,000 daily visitors, I'd be sitting on the beach somewhere, sipping margaritas :-) and that obviously didn't happen...."

So, at this point, the only problem that remains is not knowing how to properly research a market or niche, to find exactly which people are buying what you're selling.

Well, guess what......?

Even though it took me 3 years of my life to come to grips that in order to make a heck of a lot of money on the internet, you absolutely have to focus on very specific, targeted keywords...

I finally learned, and because of this, I've been able to help thousands of other achieve the type of online success I've been fortunate enough to have.

I want you to visit my website for more tips.l show you exactly which keywords you should focus on, to literally triple or more, the amount of money you make from your online business.

2011年2月25日 星期五

Adsense | 網上賺錢 - 如何從 AdSense賺錢 - Adsense的解碼

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如何從 AdSense賺錢 - Adsense的解碼

谷歌AdSense新聞熱點:最期待的AdSense發布 2007 - AdSenseDecoded項目

何志平希倫布蘭德,澳大利亞的AdSense專家和他的團隊,正在創造衝擊波在互聯網營銷界釋放一些開創性的AdSense新聞,廠房及技術在品牌戰略贏得新的在線 '的AdSense的GPS路線圖 '。你有沒有聽說過,例如'的AdSense經紀 '?如果沒有則繼續讀下去。

有人寫道:'您的AdSense業務不會是相同的訪問後,您當前正在吸引www.AdsenseDecoded.com AdSense發布商在世界各地'。我們同意。

事實上,帕特里克希倫布蘭德做出10852美元僅在第一個月不使用搜索引擎的流量的。 '的AdSense解碼 '提供有用的即時全面的解答如何實現可持續的利潤從 AdSense即使沒有獲得任何初始有機流量。

而且好像這還不夠 '的AdSense解碼 '顯示額外的AdSense收入來源,很容易驅動插入到任何AdSense AdSense發布商的業務賺錢 '頁得多。

這是一個全新的概念。它叫做'的AdSense經紀 '(不套利),它是目前創造了一個全新的篇章如何賺錢與 AdSense。 '的AdSense解碼 '顯示出版商是多麼容易賺錢對每一個客人,不只是一次,而是多次。


- 利基定位是出去!失落的是那些在這個方向引導。

他說: - 明天的熱門 AdSense仔知道這是要好得多的目標以及付費廣告客戶超過高收入的廣告,因為街頭智慧的AdSense發布商和廣告商知道,供應和需求就是一切。

'的AdSense解碼 '是一個明智的策略主張:隨著互聯網用戶正變得越來越苛刻,而不是被告知賣給,去那裡的日子的AdSense發布者可以只給人們的廣告被點擊的。 '的AdSense解碼 '地址和教究竟如何將這些新的營銷條件最好的滿足。

無論您是AdSense新手還是經驗豐富的出版商'的AdSense解碼 '提供了一個寶貴的一步一步的視頻路線圖如何迅速改善您當前的AdSense收入及使用技術以前只知道只有極少數高層人士,帕特里克希倫布蘭德包括在內。

如果您有任何方式使用AdSense建議您檢查 '的AdSense解碼 '項目今天,看看你自己有什麼大驚小怪是一回事!

如需詳細資料,對 '的AdSense解碼 '項目和何志平希倫布蘭德請訪問 www.AdsenseDecoded.com


您可以查看他的最新#1暢銷書和它的'殺手 '加盟方案,隨時重現此文章到自己的網站 /電子雜誌列表。

何志平希倫布蘭德 - 版權所有
電子商務工具 - 賺錢在線 - 網絡營銷:


Adsense | 適宜的需求成為當今一代的成功是AdSense模板

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什麼是小而大的網站有什麼共同之處?兩個單詞。 Adsense的模板。

從時間的AdSense和AdSense模板已推出,它已被證明是一個最有效的方法產生更多的錢在互聯網上。你永遠無法看到一個網站,而其中一個廣告貼滿在某些部分的網頁。不要緊,你的網站是迎合。唯一重要的是在場的這些 AdSense的模板。

雖然許多網站所有者已經使用了這些廣告的優勢,還有那些誰沒有。如果你只是一個人想要有一個 AdSense的模板,這些到您的網站,你一定想知道如何使大部分的模板。



現在訪問 - Picmoney.com



2。 Adsense的模板設計。












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Adsense | 提升您的網絡營銷業務,增加網站流量通過 ...

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建立良好的信譽以及客戶 '的信任可以增加銷售額。這可以很容易地通過使用作為一個專家 PLR的文章,你的利基。有一次,提供或者推薦一些聯盟計劃可以添加最多產生更多的銷售。


製作電子書或特別報告 PLR的內容可以使用更低的成本和更短的時間比需要僱用代筆。您也可以使用這些編譯的文章,以創造熱銷電子書和為他們增加一些價值。否則,你可以只包括您的網址,給他們免費。



在增加交通到您的網站,PLR的內容可以提高您的互聯網業務 '收益。

2011年2月24日 星期四

Adsense | 要點您開始自己的網上業務

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主機加托兒有塌思迪鼓節目裡你可以設置一個 WordPress博客與一點擊。這是最快的方式來建立您的網站和搜索引擎是一個非常友好的方式開始自己的網上業務。


論壇是偉大的地方去得到免費培訓。 BigBoards是一個好地方,發現接受培訓論壇在幾乎任何類型的業務,您可能會英寸


5。當你變得更加熟悉,你在做什麼網上的大部分時間將花在廣告和營銷。每個 Internet業務需求的網站訪客,如果他們要想取得成功。


2011年2月23日 星期三

Adsense | 簡單明了的方法,使在線賺錢在家上網

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其中一個最好的方式,使軋製,現金開始通過聯盟營銷方案。這些計劃設立網站,一個例子是Amazon.com,帶來更多的流量和客戶自己的網站。您收到會員鏈接,並為大家誰進入該網站,通過該鏈接,進行購買,您賺取佣金。獲得該鏈接是比較容易的部分,每個人都運行陷入困境時,它會得到訪問者點擊這些鏈接和它's甚至更罕見,他們 '會進行購買。這 '的地方,你需要具體的戰略,這將是這裡概述。最好的部分是會員營銷是在全球市場和當地市場的訪問。




Adsense | 5個竅門的製作大量的錢在網站上

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電子圖書是一個非常雄心勃勃的在線收入的方式產生,他們 '再一個最有利可圖的。你是能夠產生利潤的大型網上電子書,但它需要大量的精力和經驗。因此,如果您'再新上互聯網的收入,我不會建議電子書作為起點公司的努力。








這是我最喜歡的方法來生成在線收入。不要將你的庫存相關的產品,建立項目,並沒有按'噸花pennies.An個別大型推廣產品,獲得委員會關於你的一切推廣。經常使用的網站網絡營銷和網站宣傳他們的產品,但這是推薦。眾多加盟商家甚至沒有網站。會員營銷可能是最簡單的辦法,使收入在線。我可以建立一個網站,一般不到一小時,以促進商品,資金,並在同一天產生。這是一個非常快速的方式來產生收入,當你知道該怎麼做。維爾京群島水中信條信條 2.5盎司淡香水噴霧

2011年2月22日 星期二

Adsense | 真正的在線賺錢途徑作家開始

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作為一個自由作家不僅是一件容易的事,除非是已經寫了這麼長的時間,如果一個人是一個非常多產的作家。財路與使用的話可以很緊張和時間限制了。這種挑戰甚至一倍,如果一名自由作家不是完全失業 - 喜歡例如,一些作家會想賺取額外的錢寫作當作業餘愛好,雖然他們也有自己穩定的工作,這使得他們很難平衡其真正的工作時間,他們已經和自由職業者的工作。有些作家甚至家庭主婦誰是工作兼職網上支付家庭中添加的費用。雖然作為一個自由職業作家已經是工作本身,它產生的錢是不是足夠的起動器。對於初學者來說,找到一個很好的網站,開始或尋找完美的戰略,作為一個自由撰稿人可以相當大的挑戰。然而,隨著合適的工具,指導和知識,渴望得到自由作家豐富的網上真的可以這樣做。一開始,自由作家在一開始他們選擇的職業就可以開始瀏覽了這些真正賺錢的方法和技巧,網上至少可以讓他們幫助的線索,以從哪裡開始。

提示#1:在簽署註冊任何網站,或在同意作出的文章,請檢查網站 的真實性第一。有些網站的設立就是為了騙局的作家,大多是他們的受害者是無辜的自由寫作初學者誰仍然一無所知有關貿易。因此,不要'噸得到被騙了,搜索網上資源,論壇,或反饋,對潛在的求職網站第一。
提示#2:賺錢容易,選擇的PPC(每次點擊付費),但更多的錢,你就同加盟銷售。作家可以賺錢,通過這兩種選擇,而這些都是真的真正賺錢在線方式。如果一個作家寫在PPC,說,谷歌AdSense計劃,該網站將在網站上放置廣告的作家,那麼當有人點擊廣告,筆者得到支付。另一方面,與加盟銷售,筆者創建了一個網站鏈接,他或她的文章,當有人買東西的鏈接,然後它's另一個 "李嘉誠 "的作家。加盟銷售提供更多的付款服務,為每次點擊支付。
提示#4:寫明智的和流行的內容。大多數人最有可能訪問的文章,並提供相關內容的來源是可靠的,因為他們會想點擊某個文章,只要找到他們需要的一切,這比上幾個其他物品上點擊鏈接,是沒有用的。另外,如果人們發現一個 的文章作為真正信息,他們往往書籤,並引用它的未來。


2011年2月21日 星期一

Adsense | 現在抄襲報告:報告谷歌抄襲要3個簡單步驟

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要報告給谷歌抄襲你將需要遵循三個非常簡單的步驟。事實上,如果你打算報告剽竊現在,你可能會驚訝地知道,谷歌將採取行動打擊罪犯在很短的時間內,在某些情況下在一小時的問題。了解這一點至關重要,因為大多數人誰一直誤認為抄襲,什麼事也做了。但是,事實是,你可以報告剽竊到谷歌在短短的5分鐘,罪犯可以在幾個小時內被禁止。使用以下3個步驟採取行動打擊 plagiarizers:





Adsense | 創收:方法大尺度準程序

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您也可以選擇從一個偉大的聯盟計劃數通過網上發薪日。他們的收入將會給你的每出售他們所做的事情,你必須考慮。他們讓一部分原因來自出售給客戶從你的網站將給予您通過支付每銷售計劃,如果您的網站加入了讓他們有一個良好的客戶數量。 Azoogle,是工資每線方案。正如其名稱所示,每個分支機構支付或可能導致客戶,來自於您的網站。另一個方案是這類會計師帝國。

另一種流行的方案是谷歌AdSense的附屬機構。許多網上營銷人員從中受益。它可能不是付出了很多最初的,但它'個好額外的金錢收入者,您可以添加到您的網站或博客網站。 AdSense的每次點擊獲得收入,而不是支付每銷售情況及支付每線方案。簡單地說,作為一個用戶點擊 AdWords廣告在特定網站上,得到了業主委員會,引導用戶付費的廣告客戶。對於那些誰不壞運行的網站和博客非常高量的網絡流量。

另一種方法產生收入,是一個在家工作加入一個 Web託管聯盟計劃,俗稱子公司託管。你可以賺現金,每轉介你到一個網站,提供在線網絡託管。它'很簡單,做轉介。所有你需要的是增加一個聯盟網站的鏈接您的網站上,甚至在你的社交網絡站點。這樣,您賺取佣金,每推薦誰點擊鏈接並註冊了會員資格。

2011年2月20日 星期日

Adsense | There Are 4 Main Methods Of Increasing Your Adsense Revenue

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Nothing is as frustrating as watching your Google AdSense revenue trickling in cents; $.10 here $.30 cents there and $.0 cents over there. So much for all the hype about guys making thousands a month with AdSense. Me thinks, thiz Adzenz thing be weird!!

Read this article, Try the 4 facts, and up the wall you will drive AdSense!

Lets face it, if my website traffic is anywhere in the hundreds a day, there is no way under these blue skies I'm gonna make myself enough money over the internet. I read a review of some website with mammoth traffic and they make over $15,000 a month. Heck, Digital Point makes anywhere around $10,000 a month on a 50% revenue share with their contributor members. That is $10,000 being 50% of what is left after forum members have been paid off. "Google pays Digital Point about $10,000 a month, depending on how many people view or click on those ads", said Shawn D. Hogan, the owner and chief technology officer of Digital Point.

Here is the kicker. I don't in my wildest dreams think I'll ever have a website the size of digital point, ever! But I can make 100 small ones. See, I'm just an average Joe trying to make head, tail, or both, whichever comes first; of this internet money thingii. And right now I'm not sure I'm holding onto the tail or neck.

I have been doing some research on Google AdSense and I want to share with you some interesting things. Things that I didn't know about and things I believe if I had known earlier, I would still be having some hair left on my head. (Pulled much of it off trying to double my AdSense to $ 0.40 a day). Anyway, I have concentrated my research on how to optimize my AdSense revenue even before I work on increasing traffic to my 2 blogs.

In my quest, I have learned that the secret to increasing your AdSense revenue lies in mastering four main factors namely:

Creating Relevant Ads

From my Google AdSense account reports, I have noticed I earn much more from AdSense for content ad groups as opposed to the AdSense referral ads and AdSense for search bar. If you have an AdSense account, you know that there are three types of AdSense ads that you can choose to be served by Google on your site. These are AdSense for content ads that are related to your website's general content. The content based ads are the best performers in generating you AdSense revenue and they are definitely your best bet. Make sure to concentrate your efforts to having as many relevant content ads as possible if you want to make the money.

Then there are AdSense referral ads that you can choose for your website. These ads are not related to your website content and will advertise anything from bio fuels to air tickets. These Google ads do not do as well as the content based ads. The main reason being that visitors to your site are more interested in relevant content to what they were looking for in the first place. AdSense referral ads are however second to the content based ads in generating revenue. And that's a distant second from content ads.

The last type of ads that Google offers you for your website is the Google search bar. The search bar ad group is such that a visitor to your website can type the name of what they are looking for in the bar. The bar connects directly to Google search and will bring the visitor to a Google page with several ads related to what they searched for. I have really not experimented on the effectiveness of this ad groups from Google and would not therefore conclusively say they work or don't. It's however worth putting up a search bar at a corner of your page or at the bottom.

From the above three discussed Google adgroups, you will notice that content based ads perform better than the other two. Its not rocket science to figure out why. The main reason however is that people searching the web are looking for particular information of their interest. They are therefore more likely to click on ads that seem relevant to their search. AdSense adcopies are written such that they offer answers to very specific needs and a visitor will most likely click on an ad that seems to answer their quest. And that's all you need them to do to earn your money. Click.

For example, people looking for Movie Downloads will be confronted with ads that offer them all sorts of diverse benefits and types of downloading movies online. Likewise, People looking for Water-for- gas cost saver kits and manuals on their cars will be bombarded with ads that offer increasing mileage per gallon of gas etc. Once again, concentrate on requesting from Google only those ads relevant to your website's content.

Serving Only High Paying Ads

In the real sense, choosing high paying ads from Google AdSense will in effect determine the content you put on your website. In other words, if you want to concentrate on high paying ads, and considering that you need relevant content to earn good AdSense income, then by default you will have to make a website or blog on topics that pay prime dollar for clicks on them. In a nutshell, not all ads pay the same with Google. Since competition for some products is excruciatingly high, the advertisers are willing to pay top dollar for their ads to appear first on Google content based advertising network.

Google adwords (this is where advertisers bid and create their ads on Google) offer the advertisers an option to allow Google to distribute their ads to other websites within their network besides Google that have relevant content to the ads. This is how you end up with AdSense being served by Google on your website in the first place. Now here is the spoiler, not all ads that you choose will pay as high. Ads for new technology, gadgets and gizmos pay much more higher since the manufacturers are willing to pay as much to enter the market and make their product known. Google ads for such products pay you equally higher dollars per click as opposed to ads for say nail vanish.

I have seen some adwords bids that start from $5 per click. Other companies and individuals bid as high as $50 per click to maintain the pole position in Google results pages. The revenue principle applying to AdSense when Google serves the ads onto your website is practically the same. On the converse, the highest bid by advertisers is a paltry $0.05 for some products. Which ads would you rather get served with by Google?-go figure.

For you to be able to run high paying AdSense ads, you will need to make a thorough research on minimum bids made by advertisers in adwords. This is not rocket science really. One way of telling a certain area has higher bids is to Google a product you suspect might have high competition among advertisers. Just counting the number of adwords ads appearing for that particular keyword will tell you much.

A Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page) with a lot of ads appearing on it might indicate that the advertisers on that keyword are bidding serious figures per click on their website.

The higher a particular ad appears on a highly competitive keyword usually indicates higher bids and you may want to consider creating websites in such an area and get it served with AdSense. But also bear in mind that high ad counts also means that it's a highly competitive field and getting traffic for your website might be like pulling teeth...and with a pair of tweezers that is.

It pays to do an intensive research into areas to create websites for AdSense revenue. Since AdSense is served automatically by Google to your website, your only maneuver is to look for very specialized, less competitive, high paying niche areas and keywords to create your website content on. As a rule of thumb, new products are naturally good niche areas to start with; assuming that you catch on the fad soon enough before every man and his dog start selling the same product. Please note that we are placing emphasis on guys that want to use AdSense as their main source of online revenue here.

In most cases and usually why we (me included) make measly AdSense income is that, we create websites in areas of our own interest and then serve AdSense ads to them. Problem is, our preferred areas of interest are not necessarily areas that can make us worthwhile money with AdSense. Research an AdSense area that pays, then create unique content on that, serve the ads and laugh all the way to the bank. Kind of doing things in reverse... banana eating monkey sort of thing.

Positioning And Designing Your Ads

This is an area that I want to approach with a lot of caution. One thing is painfully true, and that is your AdSense ads are not worth the space if they are not optimally designed and positioned. One of the biggest advantages with serving AdSense ads is that Google lets you design and position your ads on your own website. But, which design and positions work best? Just like the offline world, positioning an outdoor advertisement makes all the difference between the ad being seen and it passing as a waste of resources.

Why does placing a TV ad at prime time, for example, cost more than double that of placing it dead in the night or early in the morning? Better still a billboard on an unused highway will not receive as much audience as one in a freeway that has huge amounts of vehicular traffic.

The same principle works with serving ads from Google AdSense. Placement of your ads is everything in getting noticed by visitors to your website and eventually getting them clicked on. Some areas of your website are actually prime real (or is that virtual) estate while others are... well, badlands, abandoned dumb and quarry sites.

Positioning Your AdSense Ads

As mentioned above, you need to know which areas of your website or blog work for AdSense. Research (and don't ask me by who) has shown that an online browser's eye is trained more emphatically on certain areas of a webpage while other areas receive just a gloss-over glance. It is also true that a webpage visitor's eye lands automatically and for the first instance on a particular area of a page and then follows a certain trail of vision on that webpage. Disconcerting, is it?...No, it's actually a nightmare for an advertiser if you don't have those facts.

You might have noticed that, in a Google SERP (i.e. the results page you get when you search a word in Google) ads always appear on the mid top and right side of the page. Fact is that, advertisers on these two areas pay completely different rates. The ads on the top of the page are called sponsored ads, while those on the right edge of the page are called adwords.

The middle top area (sponsored ads) is also much more expensive to advertise on while the right-top side ads (1st to 5th positions) are priced higher than the mid-right and bottom right adwords areas. Although, this is done through a bidding process, the idea is clear that, if your ad is the first on the top right side of the page, you get hit more than those below you. This is not only exclusive to Google but to most if not all search engines online that run ads on their SERPs.

Ok, let's bring it home. Considering your webpage will be providing other relevant and mainframe content in the middle of the page, you will need to follow Google ad positioning example. For starters, you can try to place AdSense ads at the mid-top of the webpage. The best ad design that works for the top page section is the leaderboard format which stretches the ads across from left to right of the page. Usually about three to four AdSense ads will be served with the leader board format.

The leaderboard ads are available in the ads set up button within the horizontal ads drop down. All this is possible once you get Google to approve your account, you will be able to create your ads there and get a HTML code provided for you to paste to your webpage. Google promotes family friendly websites and blogs and will need to review your website before approval. They discourage websites with adult content; your website should also have well arranged and meaningful content.

Your next prime real estate on the webpage is the far right hand side. This is a crucial area and you might want to place the ads right from the top running downwards as a column. Again, I have experimented on this area with the broad banner ads from AdSense and they fit in like a glove hence bracketing the main middle text. The broad banner format is available from your Google ad set up button in your account under the vertical ads section.

Personally, I select the text-only ads from the create-new-ad button. You have a choice of ad types including texts and images, text only and images only formats. I prefer the text only since it's now accepted that text ads attract more interest than banner and image ads. I think it's something to do with an ad getting to the point as fast and as effectively as possible.

Now, the other available position has been subject to a lot of debate; but there are still some marketers who swear by it. This is the mid-text AdSense ads. These are ads that are placed in between your main text and separated into two, three or four parts depending on the size of the main text. Basically it interrupts the flow of the text after some delivery of information. By text I mean your main page content located at the middle of the page. I cannot deny that locating the ads mid-text really gets them seen by people interested in reading your full content. But there are also visitors that might consider it an interruption to their reading and just pass along. I think this position's effectiveness surely depends on an individual reader and I might want to leave the choice up to you here.

The last AdSense positioning real estate is the end-text position. This is placed at the very bottom of your webpage text. This position is equally important for webpage visitors that have read your content and might see something that catches their eye at the end. It is proven that a visitor prefers a sense of continuity while doing their web searches as opposed to opening one page, closing it and opening another altogether. If your end-text AdSense ads are relevant enough to the content on display, the visitor will most likely sign off from your page by clicking on that last ad. Which I believe is good enough for that AdSense revenue click.

As I end the positioning AdSense discussion here, I might want to mention that caution is necessary to avoid overdoing it by serving too many ads. Your webpage should have just enough AdSense ads to create a wrap around effect to your main text. The webpage should avoid looking like an overcrowded flea market. Usually Google allows you to serve about 15 ads per page but you need not go the whole nine yards with it. Place just enough on each page to make it optimized for AdSense revenue.

Designing your AdSense ads

You will also be able to design the format of your ads within your AdSense account. Google allows you to play around the text of the ads within certain parameters like size, type, nature, text color, borders color, background colors, url color and the shape of their edges. Google also lets you choose how you want your AdSense ads to contrast against your main text by being able to choose the templates among them blend, mother earth etc. Personally I have found blending my ads to the text works where I don't want them to conspicuously stand out.

While designing your ads for primarily the purposes of AdSense income, you may want to consider making them stand out. Take care however not to overdo the colors, otherwise your site will look like its reading the riots act to visitors to click on them or else... The idea here is to softly make the ads stand out but not so much as to distract the reader of the main text. This means you will be doing a balancing act with the AdSense font color, the background and the general shape around the edges of the ad boxes.

My research has shown that choosing a soft AdSense ad background like light grey combined with emphasized text color on that ad's background has a good effect on the click through rates. But grey if your own site's background is white. Grey works best with websites with a white background. Other lighter colors work best with different backgrounds on websites. I guess I'm trying to say that your AdSense background color should just be enough to provide a slight shade to differentiate it from your original website's background. Don't make it scream here.

This might hold true when you visit other websites like hubpages.com which shares its AdSense revenues with article contributors. What they do here is that they serve AdSense ads around your article and if it's a nice piece, you will get decent clicks if not an outright click-riot. I observed that, since their website background is white, they serve their AdSense ads with an ad-background of light grey while blending the top-text ad's background white. Your best bet here is not to take my word for it but to keep on tweaking, testing and turning the ads until you see what works for your website.

High Traffic Levels

This is the devil in AdSense income. The above three aspects of increasing your AdSense income will only work to a certain extent and as far as your traffic goes. As I said this is where AdSense becomes everybody's biggest headache. However if we are to look at this critically, there are a hundred ways to drive traffic to the websites.

Let's assume we have already worked on the other three areas to our satisfactions. We are now more than sure that for whatever traffic we bring to our websites, we will be able to milk the most revenue out of them. I think that is important. No one wants visitors to be making a pass by their website without ever contributing a cent to their revenues online. So optimized they are and out you go for traffic.

I don't want to go deep into this area of bringing traffic to your website but let's just say the methods are many besides writing unique content, writing articles with links to your websites, adwords, contributing in forums among many others. The most important and that which will save you a lot of agony and time is to choose a niche area that has comparatively less competition. Since we started off making websites for AdSense, we might as well ensure that we make websites with content that attracts the search engines, hence traffic.

Choose your niche area well and the search engines will pick you out. Visitors will be on your website like ants to a Popsicle- with the right content. To help you with selecting a niche area, you can use the Google trends keyword tool to measure the competition of a particular keyword. As a rule of thumb, avoid keywords that are crowded. The competition won't do you any good.

There are people out there who have mastered the art of making multiple websites for AdSense revenue. Most of them use the automated softwares that help them develop unique websites in certain niches. An example of good AdSense automated website developer software that is popular in the market is the HYPERVRE [ (see below)This software is designed to prompt you generate the most unique sets of keywords and go on to develop unique content. As mentioned earlier, making websites in unique niche areas is the key to getting massive traffic sent your way by the search engines. Well designed and unique website content also saves you the agony of leveraging your website traffic by writing articles, buying advertising space, email lists and all other related headaches to generating traffic.

Concentrate on making websites that attract traffic by themselves, then keep on churning out as many websites as you can using the automated softwares. Within 2 months you will notice your AdSense revenue expanding to unimagined levels. So much for your earlier belief that-nobody can earn more than adcents monthly.

Adsense | 最好的方法為大學生網上賺錢

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要成為聯盟會員,您需要註冊的網站,然後推銷一種商品,他們在賣。這通常需要編寫一個博客文章或一篇文章,提交一篇文章的目錄,談論產品和獲取利益激起觀眾。您包括一個鏈接回賣方 '的網站,任何購買源自您的連結將會導致您被支付。任何地方,聯盟會員可以賺取 10%至90%的佣金通過其子公司銷售產生的聯繫。有一些工作涉及的金額,因為你必須首先研究你的產品能夠寫一個引人注目的文章或博客張貼關於這個問題的。

預售是一種非常有效的技術用在營銷和廣告。你正在做的是不是賣產品。你不是讓人們從來沒有聽說過誰感興趣的產品或煽動的火焰在人們誰已經有一定程度的興趣。從某種意義上說,你只是教育客戶有關產品。這 '就是為什麼它是重要的不是聽起來好像你實際上是銷售產品。雖然你的寫作應該是贊成的,你不應該 't是推動它在你的觀眾。


Adsense | 正在生成一個在線營銷收入的確就這麼簡單

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如果您'重新尋找走出去到網上業務,一定會有一個巨大的各種產品,聲稱能引導你從地上爬起來。他們自己的標籤為 "網絡營銷新手",以此暗示,任何人都可以利用的方法推動為了賺錢,而不需要額外的理解是,除了提供什麼。例如,一個簡單的金錢可能會告訴你指導生產文章長尾關鍵短語,簡單的排名以及在各種搜索引擎一樣,垂直簾滑動玻璃門,並簡單地從中獲利或者通過 AdSense或聯屬計劃。不過,你很快就會發現,並非所有長尾關鍵短語帶來足夠量的目標流量,使其值得的。事實是,它's並非事實。網絡廣告並不是這麼簡單,你'重新引導相信。為了實現盈利,你需要知道很多東西,你'則需要努力工作。

學習。這是最好的建議新手在任何企業可以從中受益。在網上設置,你的知識量是成正比的數額的現金,你可以。簡而言之,如果你渴望獲得更多,那麼你'您需要了解更多信息。沒有這樣的東西,其中一個神奇的程序從您只需點擊一個按鈕,並開始賺錢。變化是永恆的任何領域,但上網嗎?它是基於一個原子的程度。網上信息的變化如此之快,一個東西 ',現在是真的,可能不是真實的下一個小時。所以,你'則需要保持自己最新的。

信息費錢。事實是,你總是可以找到大部分的信息,您'則需要開始在互聯網上。一個挑戰,您'會遇到這些可用的資源是過濾哪些信息是非常有用的,哪些不是。最安全的方式開始,如果您計劃進入網上業務是學習的基礎知識 SEO的第一次。



我們建議您啟動您的互聯網廣告的冒險,只要一對夫婦的網站。例如,如果你是一個專家在醫療行業,你就可以開始了與一個基本的博客喜歡教書個人如何戒菸或如何懷孕。僅包含一些有用的提示,如果他們想要更多的深入的信息,你可以和他們要么出售電子書或推薦他們的產品或服務相關的子公司。最大化你的學習,應用它,並繼續保持最新在你的領域的業務。真正好的搜索網絡營銷,回顧一下他們 '重新做。跟隨他們在他們的Twitter或Facebook帳戶。不時,通過他們的博客或社交網站,這些人將出版一些非常好的信息,您可以借鑒。