2011年4月30日 星期六

Adsense | 工作從家互聯網和商業機會

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網上賺錢曾經是一個謎,一個隱藏的秘密,只有那些用金錢來 "買秘密_____ "從電視購物甚至可以拿到一開始看到的。這些先驅者的走了出去,建立一個人們遵循的路徑,但是,建設一個景觀,今日是提供給任何願意投入的工作。

如果你愛你做什麼那麼你的工作就是你的戲,所以不要'噸的,那就大錯特錯了"工作"。有字面數万辦法賺錢在互聯網上。大多數人的問題是找到正確的信息的方式是什麼渣土和泥漿之間的內容,詐騙,計劃的老派球員仍然在試圖通過欺騙你賺錢,以為這一信息的ISN '噸很容易找到。

互聯網已成為這家4層,每個層是捲餅獨立,自給自足但每一層之前奠定了基礎,一個。在網絡的演變,已成為一個多層面的門口進入的機會。網上的良機菌種是遵循一定的校長和銀行對建築 Web的方式大致相同工作的人在路上,然後才真正有用的人就馬上開車 50英里從家裡工作效率。


一些方法你這樣做(這裡是肉和土豆的這篇文章)的實現,互聯網是建立在媒體。在每一個字都是他剪指甲和議會,形象是包紮眼睛捕手(所以他們閱讀的內容),像電視,同時存在一個廣告元素和娛樂 /教育/鼓舞人心的元素,讓這一切工作(娛樂所以他們看廣告的人而導致他們購買產品,支付廣告和帶來創新(內容,網絡電視等..)。


為了賺錢,你可以寫文章喜歡的網站頁面和Squidoo的樞紐,他們與你分享收入從 AdSense廣告(谷歌AdSense計劃)。所有您需要做的是寫什麼你'再熱情。寫下你喜歡的產品給予的審查,然後激活AdSense和廣告鏈接,如果有人喜歡你的審查,必須有該產品,他們可能會去的廣告,將導致他們的地方,賣了!

您還可以添加模塊 eBay和亞馬遜您的文章,這些網站是非常容易使用,其目的是幫助你格式化你的文章是否正確。您將學習如何編寫這樣的,其它文章關於如何撰寫有效的副本。如果你把你的腳濕約 100篇文章,和你'已經花時間去了解為什麼你寫的東西以某種方式,以及它如何影響你的貨幣化(易趣,AdSense的,亞馬遜 Kontera等等..),那麼你'會準備好面對下一個循序漸進的步驟。



您還將學習如何銷售這些網站本身作為一個企業。這是一個路徑,這將不僅使你賺錢(它'不是很快,但它'的可持續),但它會教你所有你需要知道賺錢以其他任何方式在線!您將在那裡接觸到的一切在同一時間或那樣的好奇的車輛將帶你到這種地步你不是在學習如何在互聯網上賺錢,你顯示別人??怎樣。還有很多的錢,而分享您的經驗,知識和見解 ....它只是不斷進行下去,但給自己時間去學習,時間要失敗,體驗成功。如果你去得太快了,你就會失去很多在這個過程中,始終緩慢而穩步贏得比賽!在那裡好運吉祥是機會會見了行動!



2011年4月29日 星期五

Adsense | Make Money With AdSense - 7 Fast Secrets Reveals How To Triple Your AdSense Revenue

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If you rely on Google Adsense to make money with ads displayed on your website, you're probably frustrated with your lower payments lately.

When Google first offered to share their advertising revenue with us in the Spring of 2003, it was pretty easy to bank some nice cash when our visitors clicked on those tiny classified ads displayed on our site...

... But these days, those Google AdSense revenue payments are getting smaller and thinner... even as our traffic grows.

Most say it's impossible to make money with AdSense. I felt the same way until a few months ago. Today, I know there's money to be made with AdSense ads... if you know the secrets which I'm about to share with you.

This short AdSense tutorial is going to reveal my best-kept AdSense secrets to DRAMATICALLY boost your Google AdSense earnings. I stumbled upon these secrets by reverse engineering some of the websites that brag about making over $100,000.00 a year.

Tweak your title for higher AdSense revenues -Tweaking the title on your webapge is often the difference between banking a few pennies per click on your AdSense ads to generating over a dollar per click.

Compare these similar phrases:

- DIY home surveillance

- do it yourself home security

Both keyword phrases seem identical... and they are in meaning. But the difference is advertisers are willing to pay 169 times more for webpages themed for "do it yourself home security" (average of $8.47 per click) compared to "DIY home surveillance" (5 cents a click).

Hit the Google AdSense "sweet spot" -My never-ending testing reveals there's a direct correlation between the placement of the AdSense ads and the resulting click thru.

When ads are placed in "content zones" (rather than in "advertising zones), you typically generate more Google AdSense revenue.

Where is the content zone? It's located just above your content. Most visitors are blind to ads placed in the traditional spots... but those same ads placed above the beginning of our content usually get clicked more often.

Introducing the perfect AdSense templates -While there are currently 12 AdSense templates to display, I find the 336 x 280 (large rectangle) ads convert better than any other format.

And don't fret about optimizing for smart phones and mobile devices... my testing shows they hardly ever click on AdSense ads.

Make your AdSense ads blend in with your content -Let's face it, our website visitors HATE ads. Most use ad blockers and their 6th sense to avoid ads.

That's why you want to have your AdSense blocks blend in with the overall appearance of your webpage. Have the background of your ads match the background of your webpage. And don't add borders... this tips off your webpage visitors that you're displaying ads.

Triple your AdSense revenues with this one addition -AdSense for Search is MUCH more profitable than AdSense for Content. It's true.

In addition to placing standard AdSense template ads, I place a Google AdSense search box at the bottom of my content... and each click averages 317% higher eCPM (effective cost per thousand impressions) than displayed ads.

Dumb down your webpage -A new and very interesting study reveals the way a person arrives from a search engine like Google. It helps us understand how they click on your ads.

Specifically, people who search by clicking the button on Google's homepage are 50% more likely to go on to click ads on your page than people who search by any other Google means, according to online ad network Chitika.

Confused? I understand. Let me explain... if Joe Blow searches Google for "hard drive recovery" and completes his search clicking the [Search] submit button, Joe Blow (on average) is 50% more likely to click on your AdSense ads than if he were to search using the [Enter] key.

Why the big difference? One can only guess that sophisticated web surfers are searching without the additional effort of clicking Google's [Search] submit button (while less-sophisticated searchers are clicking the search button -- and clicking on our Google AdSense ads.

Bottom line: It appears advertising click rates are inversely proportional to the "tech-savviness" of the people receiving the ads. So tweak your webpage theme to target beginners, not sophisticated users.

Eliminate unprofitable advertisers in a click -How'd you like to delete the worst advertisers (displayed on your webpages) in just a few fast and easy mouse clicks?

Google now offers a best-kept secret way to ban advertisers who don't write profitable ads. It's called "Category Filters" and you find it by logging into your AdSense account and going here:

AdSense Setup --> Ad Review Center

As you see, Google shows you "Filtered Categories" and up-to-date results.

Google AdSense allows us to eliminate categories if they're unprofitable. For example, 8.9% of my ads display "Get Rich Quick" advertisers... nothing wrong with that, but my "% Recent Earnings" is 0.0%. That means I'm displaying ads that are paying me nothing. So I checked it off, clicked the [Submit] button... and now those unprofitable ads are no longer displayed.

2011年4月25日 星期一

Adsense | 谷歌的Adsense的Adwords

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網絡營銷:什麼與 Adsense賺錢
一個網站的營銷活動就像任何其他營銷活動。一旦結束,結果需要進行分析和衡量。後續行動特別重要,當談到網絡營銷網上業務。通過跟踪你的結果,可以判斷哪些方法是有效的網絡營銷方法,哪些不是。然後,您可以相應地調整你的方法。整合在線和離線營銷的ISN '噸必然是一個複雜的命題。在論壇,你會發現很多有用的信息在網上做生意,你也可以進行網上的朋友,可能被證明是有益的盟國未來。

網站推廣 SEO服務網站
有什麼區別呢你,如果銷售人員說,在一組,一百年你'ð僱用讓你最賺錢?無論是在列表頂部或底部,這很重要?這並不代表'噸,錢是一樣的ISN '噸它。所以,這 '就是營銷是多,但你可以做到這一切在線。網絡營銷和銷售學校提供技術為基礎的方案的準備,以滿足今天的需求的企業和行業。定制產品或服務可能沒有一個非常廣泛的選擇,顯示在傳統的購物,互動購物已邁進了一步接近消費者的需要,提高了一般的購物體驗。

在家工作,並擁有自己的家庭為基礎的業務已成為很多人的美國夢。企業家努力尋找合適的家庭企業解決方案,讓他們能夠快速,享受退休財務自由。事實是,99%的失敗,他們永遠不會成功的這家合資公司。這是由於缺乏正確的營銷知識和沒有足夠的時間來管理他們的業務。現在有一種新的解決這一問題。捕食營銷系統是一個公司,2006年九月推出,帶來了新的種家庭為基礎的業務部門,是要改變人們賺錢在線。完全自動化的在線業務是怎麼回事,讓人們接替這項業務。三個主要因素是交通捕食營銷系統的生成,導致一代,和自動關閉的銷售過程。這兩個層次的子公司可能看起來像一個金字塔計劃,但問題是它產生大量的流量到您的網站以及您的夥伴 的網站,幫助大家賺錢在線。所以一定要找到一個很好的網站上做廣告。見精英加盟

網上營銷不同於舞台上的其他媒體有噸的低價和快速的營銷工具,可以吸引企業主對鞋串使用未經檢驗的戰略沒有一個正式的計劃。人們可以很容易的一步通過使用關鍵字的每一頁上出現的這些版本,然後在登記他們的個人搜索引擎。很多人去網上尋找一種方式來補充他們的收入,甚至走出了工作,他們討厭。但也有一些偉大的工具市場上,能有效提高網站的點擊量或附屬網站。見 Honesth財富

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