2011年9月3日 星期六

GOOGLE AdSense Tips For Maximum Earnings And How To Avoid ' Smart Pricing '

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Almost everyone has probably heard of AdSense by now, if not then I am pretty sure you have seen AdSense and may have not even known what it was. To explain AdSense, I must first tell you a little about ' AdWords ', Adwords is a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising system that is available through Google the search engine. You create a small text ad, which is placed on Google's search result pages, the ads match your websites subject or content. You bid or set a fee that you are willing to pay Google every time someone clicks on your ad, this is a great way to get highly targeted traffic that can turn into sales, subscribers, or whatever you are trying to achieve with your website traffic.

Now that I have explained Adwords, I can now tell you about AdSense. AdSense makes it possible for website owners to earn money by simply letting Google place ads on their web pages. AdSense ads can be either text or images, the ads can be altered to blend into the webpages, so they don't make your site look junky or poorly designed. AdSense ads are highly relevant to the content of most webpages, for instance if you place AdSense ads on a webpage that sells Coins, you will get ads about selling coins or other coin related subjects. Every time a website visitor clicks on one of the AdSense ads on your webpage, you earn money, and every month after your first balance reaches one hundred dollars, Google will send you a check or you can have the money deposited into your checking account. The AdSense program is a great way to earn extra money if you have a website, it's easy to make a few dollars every day, and some folks are making thousands of dollars per month doing it.

When I first started Adsense, I placed the ads on my webpages and it wasn't very long until I had made a small amount of money, a few days later my account balance had grown even more. I was pretty happy, but I thought to myself, after reading a lot of articles, I am not making nearly as much money as others are making with AdSense, something must be wrong. Then I thought, maybe my website doesn't get the traffic that the others are getting ? I chatted with a lot of people on the internet that were in the program, and I discovered that the amount of visitors I get, was higher than some of the traffic they receive. You may think that 200 - 400 unique visitors a day is low for website traffic, you are very wrong, the average website gets a lot less per day, especially if your website is only a few months old or is not optimized for the search engines, or it's subject matter has a very low search demand.

If my website was getting a nice amount of traffic or visitors, why was my AdSense earnings so low ? The first thing that I discovered that was wrong was ' adsense ad placement ', that's right, you have to study each webpage's layout that you plan on placing the ads on. Wherever your webpage has sections or areas that grab and hold the visitors attention, this is a prime area to place a section of AdSense ads, in other words, place the ads on your webpages where folks will notice them. We are currently allowed to place up to 3 different AdSense ad sections or groups on each webpage. I found after some testing that the best places for my ads are, just under the title or sub-title, near the middle of the page, and near the end or bottom of my page. If you place one section of AdSense ads near the top of your webpage, folks entering your site will probably notice the ads, and if they scroll down a ways and theres more ads, that increases the odds that they will notice them also. Probably the best place to place one section of ads is at the bottom of your webpages, right after your last bit of text or interesting reading, but make sure you place the ads before any other links, because when visitors are ready to leave your site, they may leave by clicking on one of your ads, earning you money, and if you have other links showing before your ads, they may leave your site by clicking on one of them. So after I studied the layout of all my webpages, I went back through and repositioned the AdSense ads, almost immediately I noticed my earnings increased.

I left my webpages alone, and about three months later I received my first check in the mail, it wasn't a lot of money but still for really doing no physical work I was very glad to get it. My earnings slowly started getting better and better after that first check, the next month I received another check, then the following month I got another and so on. After having been in the AdSense program for about 8 months, and chatting with more folks who were also in the program I found that my earnings were still low compared to some other people.

I then discovered another method that increased my earnings even more. I noticed that my ads stood out from the rest of my webpages text and content. I had always thought, I should make my ads a different color than my webpages background so folks would notice my ads, and click on them, I was totally wrong. Almost everyone that has been on the internet for any length of time, has become so accustomed to seeing banners and other flashy ads that almost everyone now has what is called 'ad blindness', that is, when they visit a site they are automatically turned off or they ignore anything that looks like an ad. I used the Adsense editor and I changed my ads background and border colors so they matched the background color of my webpages, and I changed the text color of the ads so they matched the text color of my webpages content. The ads blended in very well, to me they were barely noticeable from the rest of my webpage, but right away the number of clicks on the ads increased, and the earnings went up even more.

I left my webpages alone and for another couple months my earnings stayed about the same, I was content with the results, but my earnings were still not as good as some of the other folks who received roughly the same amount of traffic that I did. Then I found out that they had done something else to their AdSense ads, something that made the ads seem to really get peoples attention, they were placing images near the ads, it seemed adding images made the ads look unique and it helped make the amount of clicks on them rise. So I searched the internet and I found some little icons and images that matched the content of my webpages, and near where the Adsense ads were shown, I displayed the images by adding a simple html image tag. I asked google if adding the images was within the AdSense rules, and I was advised that they were fine as long as they didn't make folks click on the ads, by this I mean, you cannot have a flashing sign that says, ' click these ads ', or you shouldn't have a scantily dressed girl pointing to the ads saying ' make me happy - click here ' or stuff like that, just make some nice little images that pertain to your webpages content.

The next couple months or so, my earnings still continued rising slowly. By this time, besides my regular webpages I had been working on several BLOG's pertaining to different subjects, so I thought I might as well place AdSense ads on all of my blogs also and make even more money. For a couple weeks my earnings went up quite a bit, and I was very happy, then all of a sudden, just like someone turning off a switch, my AdSense earnings plummeted. I was now making in a day, what I had made when I first joined the program, what the heck happened I thought to myself ? My traffic was still slowly rising, the number of clicks was rising, but for some strange reason, the earnings per click, (EPC) had dropped a lot, it was horrible.

Then I learned that Google had introduced a new feature or system into the AdSense program, called 'smart pricing', 'smart pricing' automatically adjusts the cost of an ad click. Using Googles system of analyzing AdSense data, if it shows that a click from one of your webpages is less likely to turn into an online sale, or other business result for the Ad publisher, the amount you earn per click in AdSense is greatly reduced. When 'smart pricing', was introduced, some AdSense users saw their EPC drop to as low as 3 cents a click, where before 'smart pricing', that same click might of earned them a dollar or much more, this was quite a drastic drop in earnings. What is horrible about 'smart pricing', besides the earnings loss to AdSense users, is that one site or webpage can trigger it, and once triggered by that one webpage, it effects your entire account and every webpage you have will now earn substantially less per click. Remember awhile back when I had added AdSense Ads to my BLOG's, that seemed to be what had triggered smart pricing for me. The BLOG's were on numerous subjects, but they were not business or real professional sites, so hardly any business results such as sales, occurred from folks clicking the ads on these sites. After I removed the Adsense ads from the BLOG's, it took about a week, then I noticed that the EPC was once again climbing back up, yes the 'smart pricing', spell had been broken.

If you are thinking about trying AdSense, or if you are already in it, beware of the smart pricing curse, or if it has already effected your earnings, try removing AdSense ads from your webpages a few pages at a time, the smart-pricing system is evaluated each week, so it will take a few days to see if you have removed ads from the page(s) that triggered it.

By Robert W. Benjamin


You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.


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這個概念是很簡單,如果你考慮一下。發行者或網站管理員插入一個 Java腳本到某個網站。每次訪問頁面時,Java腳本會拉廣告的廣告計劃。有針對性的廣告因此,應涉及到的內容包含在網頁上提供廣告。如果訪問者點擊了一個廣告,廣告服務的網站管理員賺取部分的錢,廣告客戶支付搜索引擎的點擊。








曾經有一段時間,當人們還沒有意識到的錢實現從廣告。現金產生才開始存在的時候,站長和出版商意識到他們可以使廣告是因為發電機。在那些日子裡,內容是最重要的因素,是採取相當嚴重。它仍然是。隨著誘惑的錢,course.Hopefully這些 E鋅目錄將舉行一些信息"重新尋找!

2011年9月2日 星期五

網上賺錢的方法 - SEO文章或博客

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有許多不同的方法來賺錢在線。這些措施包括博客,寫 SEO文章的基礎上的自由職業者,銷售廣告空間的網站,並舉辦一個網上商店。你將不得不考慮什麼類型的事情你擅長和喜歡做什麼你才可以作出決定關於究竟是你想在網上做賺一些錢。



另一個很大的優勢,以網上賺錢是你可以有許多不同渠道的收入。例如,你可以寫 SEO文章了幾個不同的搜索引擎優化公司,以及一些出售廣告空間在你的博客。讓所有這些渠道的收入是一個偉大的方式保護您的金融穩定。這是因為如果渠道不足夠的錢引進了一個月,你還會有其他渠道依賴。




寫作搜索引擎優化或搜索引擎優化的文章,也是一個偉大的方式產生的在線收入。這是當一個 SEO公司會給你一定的主題和關鍵字,你會寫一篇文章用這個給定的標準。如果你喜歡丁的研究和寫作那麼這絕對是一個不錯的選擇適合你。

最好的選擇,當談到網上賺錢是T有幾個不同渠道的收入。例如,你可以賣你的博客上的廣告空間,令狀寫,寫 SEO文章了幾個不同的公司。這將保護您的月收入,以及讓您的工作,從網上獲得無聊的你。


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如果你有興趣在你的博客貨幣化,將 AdSense添加到您的博客是非常重要的。如果你把自己的AdSense不影響你的點擊數。




谷歌有一個新的崗位名為 "獲取內嵌 "在其AdSense博客在adsense.blogspot.com。他們展示了如何添加AdSense廣告。這是很容易不喜歡一切Blogger上。


2。轉到您的博客的模板標籤,點擊 "頁面元素"鏈接。
3。轉到 "博客文章",點擊 "編輯 "位於右下角。
4。在"選擇項目 "查看"顯示廣告崗位之間 "框。
5。在"配置內嵌廣告 "你可以選擇你想要多久您的AdSense出現。例如,它們可以出現在每一個崗位或之後每隔一職。

由於谷歌目前擁有的Blogger,谷歌正在成為響應輸入來自 Blogger 的用戶。我們希望,我們可能會看到更多的變化和改進的Blogger反饋給谷歌仍在繼續。




2011年9月1日 星期四

能有多大您先與 AdSense嗎?

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如果您'想知道是否可以賺取你的財富和退休主辦谷歌AdSense廣告在您的網站,那麼答案可能是一個響亮的"不"。然而,如果你'重新問 "我可以從 AdSense賺錢 ",那麼答案可能是"是",但如果你'重新問 "你能做出多少與 AdSense?"它的就像問 "多久是件字符串?"




它實際上是對谷歌的服務條款,以公開披露多少你'重新贏得與 AdSense所以如果你遇到的方案,主張讓你發財的途徑,有"沒有辦法證明它的一種方式或其他,因為他們 "再不能告訴你他們做。


很明顯,你將獲得更多與 AdSense的網站有更多和更多的頁面,只要它們包含的頁面是內容豐富,而且集中在特定的關鍵字。


您的位置AdSense廣告也是一個相關因素。看來,"倍以上"廣告更容易被點擊超過別人。您可以檢查出谷歌"的幫助下找到了自己的感知"熱點 ",但如果你使用頻道製作廣告時,那麼你很快就會發現什麼可行,什麼沒有按'T。您還需要確保您的廣告 correctly針對您的關鍵字的你可以做,如果您使用WordPress的通過安裝插件或更好的AdSense定位通過確保你的內容是真正符合您的網站。



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AdSense是一個廣告程序運行 byGoogle。這是一個革命性的方法來獲得從一個網站的流量。 AdSense是視為一個最強有力的工具在一個網站發布的軍火庫。谷歌的AdSense已提供特別重要的廣告收入,以小網站不具備的資源開發廣告銷售計劃和銷售人員。

很多網站使用AdSense賺錢的內容和一些網站管理員努力最大限度地發揮自己的AdSense收入。廣告收入時生成您的網站訪問者通過點擊你的AdSense廣告顯示。當用戶點擊的形象,他或她將被重定向到廣告 "網站以同樣的方式作為常規 AdSense廣告。

源的所有AdSense收入是AdWords計劃,又有著複雜的定價模型基礎上,維克瑞第二價格拍賣,因為它命令廣告商提交密封投標(未觀察到的競爭對手)。合併與聯盟的AdSense產品,也許一對夫婦銷售自己的產品和付費博客演出,和雅,$ 500 - 1000美元,每星期是可能的。


谷歌AdSense移動釋放出潛在的移動廣告市場。作為我們不斷努力開發新的方式為用戶找到他們需要的信息,隨時隨地,谷歌今天宣布提供的AdSense移動,一個程序,內容相關定位廣告到移動網站內容。像它的傳統的AdSense計劃這將內容相關的目標廣告,移動網站的內容。系統自動審查的內容出版商"手機網站,並提供相關的文字廣告的網站 "觀眾和內容。 "有了這個計劃,廣告客戶可以連接移動的越來越多的出版商,最終為用戶提供增強的移動體驗,幫助他們找到他們正在尋找更快速和有效地在旅途中,"表示,谷歌,因為昨天宣布AdSense移動,一個程序,內容相關定位廣告到移動網站內容。


谷歌表示,AdSense移動適用於 AdSense合作夥伴網站,誰創造了專為移動瀏覽器,誰想要通過貨幣化的移動內容相關的廣告內容。 AdSense移動相同的AdSense的網站,哪些地方的廣告發布者在參與 "網站對應的出版商"的內容。谷歌的AdSense for Mobile是最終的方式來賺錢,因為這是一個新的產品,因此有較少的競爭。不過,AdSense移動只選擇出某些出版商至今為自己的移動平台優化的網站。

AdSense移動給人的出版合作夥伴能力的AdSense賺取收入從他們的移動網站,通過有針對性的放置移動文字廣告。 AdSense移動提供了一種有價值的方式來連接移動用戶提供正確的廣告在合適的時間,因為他們在旅途中尋找資料。 Adsense的移動文字廣告拍賣模式上運行,以同樣的方式,以常規 AdSense / AdWords廣告提供。

"當你添加新的AdSense移動代碼到您的網站,解釋說:"亞歷 Kenin,產品營銷經理 AdSense移動,"我們 "就會顯示相關的廣告使用相同的定位技術,你所熟悉的現有AdSense產品,就這樣,谷歌是一個免費提供廣告統治允許的AdSense出版合作夥伴的能力獲得收入從他們的移動網站,通過有針對性的放置移動文字廣告。


移動廣告小,但潛在的金礦。事實上,目前有更多的移動設備比全球個人電腦和電視機相結合。手機瀏覽器未來的發展是現在的邊界。 AdSense移動適用於 AdSense合作夥伴網站,誰創造了專為移動瀏覽器,誰不想賺錢的移動內容通過內容相關的廣告。 AdSense移動還允許 AdSense的出版合作夥伴的能力獲得收入從他們的移動網站,通過有針對性的放置移動文字廣告。現在,隨著正式推出AdSense移動,谷歌似乎陷入了可移植性的趨勢。