2011年9月24日 星期六

How To Make Money With A Web Hosting Account, WordPress And Google Adsense

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Step-by-Step: How to make money with WordPress and Google Adsense

Pretty simple, at least in theory. By creating a web site and adding Google's free Adsense ads to your pages, people click on the ads. Each click generates a commission, which is tallyed up and at the end of the month by Google, who then sends you a commission check. Sounds great... doesn't it? Not so fast cowboy! There are a few steps involved. Actually, there are several steps involved to generating income on the Internet with Adsense ads. But it is doable. This article will summarize the steps needed to setup a web site using WordPress hosting and add Google's Adsense code to your pages -- ready to be clicked so you can receive a monthly check from Google. Hey, what's better than mailbox money? So, let's get started...

Wouldn't it be nice if you had a machine in place that generated automated income? Wouldn't it be nice if that income were mailed to you each month, without fail, from a company as reliable and stable as Google? Wouldn't it be nice if you spent your time building an asset that is "yours"? Yes - Yes - Yes, you say? Well, then, this article is for you. The reason you care is because this article lays out the steps needed to make money. Each month Google sends out commission checks to its publishers through its program called Adsense.

There are close to 130 million web sites on line at the moment and every day, 6,000 new web sites launch, creating entrepreneurs by the thousands. The world wide web is a great way to take control of your professional life (you're the boss) or to add a few bucks to your household income each month while you keep your day job.

This article lists the three steps needed to setup a WordPress blog and add Google Adsense ads to the pages to produce commission income from the clicks generated.

This is a monthly commission check from Google in the amount of $302.04. Google pays its publishers each month, without fail.

Google AdSense is a free program that empowers online publishers to earn revenue by displaying relevant ads on their web site pages. Commission checks are sent out once per month. Nice!

A web site launch is exciting and cause for celebration " if you do it right. If you don't do it right, your pixel-based dream biz will end up on the trash heap along with millions of other sites built on a dream but launched on a prayer. For this reason, we recommend WordPress for you to use in this exercise. It is easy to use, fast and inexpensive.

Many web hosting providers offer free installation of Word Press blog software through their web hosting control panel that is offered with most web hosting accounts. Now lets get started with your Word Press installation...

When you sign up for a web hosting account, you will be sent a "New Account" email within minutes upon placing your order. Follow the instructions to login to your control panel. Word Press is included for free and is easy to use. For those that do not want to re-invent the wheel, there are a plethora of Word Press templates that can be implemented on your web site.

Click the Fantastico link to install the library of free applications included with your account.

Once you have successfully installed the Fanstastico library of applications, you will see a screen with a long list of free applications. Click the Word Press link.

Next, you will need to install the Word Press link by clicking "new installation". It's that easy!

It's easy. WordPress Theme system is a way to "skin" your web log. Yet, it is more than just a "skin." Skinning your site implies that only the design is changed. WordPress Themes can provide much more control over the look and presentation of the material on your web site.

1. Log in to the WordPress Administration Panel.
2. Select the Appearance panel, then Themes.
3. From the Available Themes section, click on the Theme title (or Theme screen shot) for the Theme you wish to activate.
4. A preview of the Theme will be shown.
5. To activate the Theme click the Activate "Theme Name" link in the top right. Your selection should immediately become active.

WordPress is an easy to use content management system (CMS) that provides the tools needed to create a web site. The back-end of your WordPress blog is called the "Back end System" and is usually accessed by the following URL: Templates allow for easy design of your pages. Plugins allow easy modification, customization, and enhancement to a WordPress blog. Instead of changing the core programming of WordPress, you can add functionality with WordPress Plugins. We are going to explain how to add Google's Adsense code to your pages using a WordPress Plugin.

There are a plethora of WordPress plugins that make installing your Google Adsense code easy. In fact, there are too many to mention. But we have attempted to find the most popular and include them in this article. Choose one that you like best then install the plug in on your WordPress blog.

Listed below are 7 best Adsense plugins which help you work smarter with wordpress.

Adsense Deluxe " offers advanced options for managing the automatic insertion of Google AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) ads to your WordPress posts. Easily switch all AdSense ads to a new color scheme across the entire site.

Adsense Injection " inserts Adsense code randomly into a pre-existing blog. Takes a random paragraph (or br tag) break in your article and inserts adsense code. It does one per story on multi-post pages (home, archive, category) and let's you pick how many to show on single post pages.

AdRotator WordPress Plugin " rotates your Adsense ads with other affiliate programs like Chitika Eminimalls wherever you want. Helps to reduce "ad blindness" and test different ad formats and affiliate programs.

Adsense Earnings WordPress Plugin " displays your adsense earning details within wordpress admin panel.

AdSense Manager " is a WordPress plugin for managing AdSense ads on your blog. It generates code automatically and allows positioning with Widgets.

AdSense Sharing Revenue and Earnings System " allows you to view your adsense earnings and share your adsense impressions with your friends and co-authors.

Google Ad Wrap " wraps posts and comments inside Section Targeting tags for better targeted ads.

Now that you have your WordPress blog setup with your web hosting provider and you have the WordPress plugin for Adsense installed with the code from Google, you are ready to start generating traffic. Write - write - write! The more original, quality content that you add to your blog, the better. Keep in mind that Google does not allow publishers to click on their own ads or ask others to click on their ads. But you can create as much quality content as you like. Write about what you know. Write about what is useful. Write about current events. But most of all -- write consistently, and write articles that are useful. In time, you will build a following of visitors to your blog web site that will see your Google ads and click on them. It takes time, but it is something that is worthy of your time. You are building a valuable piece of Internet real estate that can generate income through Google's Adsense program.

All the work and energy that you put into your blog web site adds up to value " goodwill value for your new web site visitors. And when you stop to think about why you are busting your butt to build this blog

...well, it's because you are a Google publisher.

2011年9月23日 星期五


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Google AdSense廣告計劃是在在線廣告領域的一個很大的作用。任何人都可以利用這個機會賺錢。孩子們與 AdSense賺取的錢和覆蓋他們的課時費和日常開支。

因為 AdSense的,人們每天創造數千個網站。 AdSense的支付網站管理員創建高質量的站點的免費內容。隨著相當數量的遊客,網站管理員可以通過 AdSense賺取不錯的收入。它允許人們創建網站與 AdSense的錢,作為自由與出版內容創收。

Google AdSense的是提供免費的機會,每個人都在互聯網上賺錢。正因為如此,現在我們可以考慮在互聯網上最流行的廣告方法。這是未來與 '收益共享"的概念,它是一個強大的營銷方法之一。


成千上萬的人民正在與 AdSense和家裡的錢。他們的工作獲得流量。 AdSense是交通金錢的轉換工具。乘數是基於您的網站和廣告客戶 的盈利的話題。

如果你有一個網站,你??'重新尋找良好的收益法,這是一個完美的選擇。這是來自合法的公司。 AdSense是一個用戶友好的和站長易方案。網站管理員可以輕鬆地發布他們的廣告和跟踪結果。谷歌是為網站管理員提供有用的控制面板,跟踪和管理他們的廣告。

AdWords是出版商"程序,涉及到AdSense。谷歌正在通過 AdWords和出版通過 AdSense的廣告。作為中間人,他們賺取了數百萬美元。


2011年9月22日 星期四

發現 5個 SEO工具,可以使搜索引擎優化工作比以往任何時候都更容易

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Google Analytics(分析):

使用Google Analytics(分析)網站流量分析。搜索引擎的流量,表現內容和關鍵詞有三個主要SEO這個工具測量元素。像點擊,頁面瀏覽量,跳出率,頁面的現場活動,每次訪問瀏覽,頁面瀏覽量和用戶在網站等所花的平均時間可以很容易地使用這個免費的工具進行跟踪。


這是很容易跟踪競爭對手的關鍵字。這個工具跟踪通過 PPC廣告系列的關鍵字。這個在線工具的功能,提供全面的援助。






在關鍵字優化範圍進一步探索網頁上的網頁搜索引擎優化的工具發揮非常重要的作用。除了許多其他頁面的SEO工具,SEO日誌提供關鍵字難度檢查和Web頁 SEO優化。關鍵字難度檢查的主要用途是評估關鍵字,以確保在搜索引擎中的地位面臨的困難程度。類似的報頭,Alexa排名,反向鏈接分析工具,和AdSense利潤計算器其他一些工具還提供SEO的日誌。


這是審議鏈接競爭的最有效的工具之一,只有一個提供有關競爭對手 "鏈接的關鍵細節。網頁排名和錨報告是通過這個工具所產生的一些重要器官的結果。


該工具有多種用途。其中之一是從 Alexa的,谷歌和雅虎等巨頭的搜索引擎獲得的報告。相同的工具是用於網站的錯誤檢測,關鍵字的研究,流量跟踪。



2011年9月21日 星期三


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指南,產品評估,以及""S "

顯然創造您的網站內容是一個持續的過程,所以一旦你'維生素 E至少10頁的質量信息,為你的讀者,您應該創建您的網頁和谷歌的Adsense優化。






一旦你完成了你的Adsense和電子郵件系統的創建,你應該回去繼續添加更多的內容和市場您的網站。通過大量的信息和更多的讀者的選擇,您'會發現,您的"Google AdSense收入將成倍增長。

2011年9月20日 星期二

3方式,使與 Adsense的錢,使用病毒式營銷

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如果你想與 AdSense的錢,你可以做同樣的事情。創建一些類型的網站,需要註冊和使用您的AdSense廣告。例如,您可能有登記,領取免費的東西,如電子報訂閱或免費電子書,。提到在每一個你的電子郵件簽名的網站。當人們去登記,他們將在同一頁作為您的AdSense廣告。該 "的方式與 AdSense的錢。


YouTube已經成為打互聯網有史以來最大的現象之一。 "病毒式營銷也是一個很好的工具,因為那些偉大的影片可以與數以百萬計的人們快速,方便地傳播和共享。此外,大多數人不'噸考慮接受一個 YouTube鏈接的垃圾郵件(因為它們是一般的人知道他們發送的),所以它'更可能會比其他類型的鏈接。

為了使這種方式與 AdSense的錢,創造一個有趣而又別具創意的視頻,是要捕捉你的觀眾的注意,但是這也可能是有關的,無論您的網站大約是。 YouTube上的現貨,並納入剪輯您的網址的消息,如"要看到更多的"或"對於這個剪輯的詳細信息。"


社交網絡也真正實現了起飛近年來。如果你想與 AdSense的錢,你可以使用這個趨勢,以及您的利益。大多數社交網站已編制你的朋友的一種方式。雖然其中有些人可能是合法的的熟人,其餘的可能不。

把一些電子郵件的類型,將吸引到大量的朋友。我的電子郵件,可以引導他們,一個有趣的網站測驗或電影瑣事。那麼你網站上的材料以及與 AdSense廣告。因此,您的網站獲得更多的流量和許多遊客將有可能點擊廣告來賺取你的收入。


無論您使用上述病毒的營銷理念與 AdSense賺錢,請務必仔細測試,以確保它會工作,你的願望。

2011年9月19日 星期一

AdSense Optimization For Online Classifieds

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We've all read the generic Google AdSense optimization articles. They claim you can double or triple your eCPM's (aka. RPM's or revenue per thousand impressions) if you follow their special tricks. Problem is, these "special tricks" are basic changes that are more relevant to people with tiny blogs. AdSense optimization is a different beast depending on the type of site and how large it is. Things are a lot different when you're looking at an online classified with millions of unique users per month rather than a few thousand. These dramatic RPM increases are a lot harder to come by and if actualized, result in increases of millions rather than dollars. This article will focus on how to optimize Google AdSense on a high traffic online classified site.

Below is a step-by-step process of how to maximize your AdSense revenues on your free classified:

1. Implement DoubleClick for Publishers

We'll start off with the first and most fundamental step. Serve Google AdSense with DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP). If you decide to go for DoubleClick for Publishers Small Business (DFP SB), you can use it for free. You can use DFP SB if you have less than 90 MM non-AdSense impressions. If this is the case for you, you're golden. DFP SB doesn't have all the fancy features as DFP Premium, but it works as a great ad serving solution that continues to improve. You can't really go wrong when you invest in Google technology.

After implementing DFP for our clients, we have seen immediate increases in AdSense RPM's. DFP simply serves AdSense in a much more optimal fashion. This alone makes it worth implementing DFP. DFP also allows publishers to splice in direct sales ads and other ad networks. You'll have many more features available to you to optimize AdSense further and easier. Bottom line, DFP allows you to complete the next five steps of AdSense optimization for online classifieds.

You're thinking, "DFP may be free for me but it's going to cost time and programmer resources to implement it." True! However, there are simple options to implement DFP. If you decide to not segregate your ad inventory and start with a run of network setup, you could implement DFP in hours. We recommend this from the start and then phasing into a more sophisticated setup as you gain RPM traction. Therefore, you don't commit to many resources off the top and you can invest more once you see the results.

2. Find the Optimal Text Ad Creative Combination

The second step is to find the best text ad creative combination that fits your site. These ad creatives include text size, text font, border colour, background colour and title, description & URL colour. You can find the optimal text ad creative combination the simple way or the more sophisticated way.

The simple way involves changing the creatives and recording the RPM changes in a procedural fashion. You would essentially try a new combination every 24 hours. When recording the results you'll record the exact combination as well as the day of the week and the day of the month. Keep in mind what days of the week tend to perform best and be mindful that RPM's tend to be stronger at the end of months and end of quarters. There's no way you'll be able to try every single combination possible with this process. However, you can make educated guesses by only choosing colours that are on your webpage. The goal is always to integrate the ads into your classified as much as possible.

You can do this the more sophisticated way using multivariate testing with your AdSense creatives. We would recommend using Google Website Optimizer in this case. You would essentially setup up multiple variations of your website with the different combination's and let Google Website Optimizer find the best performing AdSense creative according to CTR.

Whichever one you choose, we highly recommend you take this second step. By finding the most integrated creative combination, you could see quick boosts of up to 50%.

3. Place Ads in Optimal Spots

Similar to the first step, you have a choice of doing this the simple way or the sophisticated way. However, it is very important that you do not combine the testing of step 2 and 3. Otherwise, you'll get mixed results that won't be genuine.

You can move the ads around using educated guesses every month to test different ad spots and sizes. The sophisticated way involves using multivariate testing for your ad placement. This would test for the optimal combination of ad size, and ad placement. The implementation of this sophisticated test isn't easy and would require a decent amount of programmer resources. Again, we would recommend Google Website Optimizer for such a test. Although, this method does suck up the most resources, the ROI would be higher for this method of testing.

4. Optimize the Browsing Pages with Google Custom Ads

If you are a Google Preferred Publisher you are able to use the customizable Google javascript ads. This allows publishers to customize the ads to a higher degree. The benefit of this is you are able to integrate your ads even more, which is very useful for online classifieds.

Best practices have online classifieds implementing the Google Custom Ads in the internal search and the browsing pages of the classified. These ads are integrated into the top and bottom of the ad lists. It is recommended to implement the ads using the "AdSense for Search" code rather than "AdSense for Content". We recommend to place 3 ads at the top of the ads and 3 ads at the bottom just above the 'previous' and 'next' buttons. To further integrate the ads, you should add a default no image attached photo with the ads. Remember, the main goal is to make the Google AdSense ads look like the organic ads.

Kijiji just nails it with these Google Custom Ads. They are as integrated as they can get. The ads are the same size, colour, font style & size with the no image attached photo beside each one. This is the level of integration you should strive for your online classified.

5. Open Google Ads up to All Potential Ad Types

You should always opt into all different ad types. This opens you up to much more advertisers which will boost your RPM. The reason why Google AdSense performs so well is its optimization engine. It chooses the highest paying ad type and advertiser possible. Google AdSense's predictive algorithms are the tightest in the industry. If you opt out of certain ad types then you're missing out on advertisers that could outbid your current inventory. It's important you give access to Google to do what they do best: optimize.

In addition to opting into all ad types, you must detail and structure your ad "placement" structure. Placement ad types are the advertisers on Google AdWords that pick your site out specifically out of a huge list of websites to advertise on.

It's the closest to direct advertising as AdSense gets. These ads generally pay more than contextual ads. Therefore, you'll want to open your entire ad inventory to these types of ads. You'll also want to put the important details for each ad spot and segregate your inventory according to category. The more you segregate, the more advertisers can target within your site. You really have to put yourself in their shoes and ask, "What would they want?" We recommend getting an AdWords account and checking the placement section to see what your inventory looks like from the AdWords advertiser perspective. Does it make sense? How does it compare to the other placement sites? How can you make it stick out?

Detailing your ad inventory on Google Ad Planner is important too. Many large ad agencies use Google Ad Planner for media buying. You could get some very large placement buys just from being transparent on Google Ad Planner. In fact, after detailing ad inventories on Google Ad Planner we have seen consistent growth in placement ad impressions and RPM. Make sure to be as detailed as possible about your site description and ad descriptions. Make sure to opt into the traffic stats pulled from Google Analytics. Google Ad Planner generally under predicts traffic without the Google Analytics opt-in. Remember, advertisers are more interested in publishers with more traffic. Finally, make sure to choose relevant categories that yield high CPC's. Don't choose pharmaceuticals when you run a puppy website. Choose the most relevant category that yields the highest average CPC's.

6. Optimize Google Ads by Serving Other Ad Networks

Like we said from the start, the best way to optimize AdSense is with DFP. DFP was made for ad management with the competitive advantage of AdSense optimization. You are able to optimize AdSense much easier through DFP to a point that no ad management tool could even come close to matching.

In addition to internal AdSense optimization, DFP allows online classifieds to splice in other ad networks. This will show the single largest increase of AdSense RPM's. Every time you add a new ad network you are squeezing the AdSense impressions. This is the same effect as opting into every ad type that AdSense has to offer. You are opening your online classified up to more advertisers. The more advertisers you have competing for the same impressions, the higher your RPM's will be. It is important to drive the internal competition of your ad inventory as high as possible.

As you can see the traffic is the supply. Let's assume traffic stays the same so we can isolate the increase in advertisers. When you add new ad networks to your inventory, you increase the amount of advertisers competing for your ad space.

This represents an increase in demand for you ad space. When demand increases and supply is restricted (Therefore and upwards shift for supply), the revenue grows. Since revenue is your X axis and unsold ad impressions are your Y axis, the equilibrium is the RPM. Therefore, the more you grow demand the higher the RPM goes up. This is why opening your ad inventory to so many more ad networks yields such higher RPM's. This means dramatic increases in ad revenue at the same traffic level.

In fact, you will see higher AdSense revenues with less ad impressions. Whaaat!? You bet, the RPM's will grow so much from all the above six steps, the increased variety and the growth in internal competition that you'll actually earn more from less. Check out a detailed explanation of this phenomenon here.

It would be a mistake to miss out on the opportunity to dramatically boost your ad revenues without traffic increases and only serve AdSense instead. There is a lot more money to be made for you AdSense buffs.

2011年9月18日 星期日


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現實情況是,沒有什麼商業自由。谷歌AdSense計劃開發為經營宗旨,目標當然是賺錢。因此,重點是為了賺取利潤,機會,使從程序的利潤。它是在正常業務,以彌補他們的利潤每一個程序。谷歌AdSense計劃只是一個簡單的程序。你申請他們成為出版商,如果你的應用程序獲得批准,你成為 AdSense發布商。沒有任何成本,創造在Blogger的博客也是屬於谷歌,並宣傳您的廣告出現。做一些營銷來獲得流量到您的博客,讓它去。很容易賺錢。


