2011年5月12日 星期四

Adsense | Make More Money With Adsense

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Internet advertising is a multi-million-dollar industry. It may still be considered in its infancy but Internet advertising is fast rising in popularity because this new medium has brought advertising to a whole new level of involvement and interactivity.

Because of the very nature of the Internet, any kind of advertising would also take advantage of the inherent features of the medium. For example, the Internet is the only medium where the possibility of tailor-fitting the kind of advertisements a visitor sees can be made possible because certain information about the visitor can be gleaned. For example, a visitor who frequents console gaming websites, is more likely to buy a game-related product that he sees bannered in the gaming website he visits.

One of the terms that you will encounter when you talk about advertising on the Internet is AdSense. AdSense is a program devised by Google that enables web publishers to display relevant Google ads on their websites in a manner that is both fast and easy. The ads that will be put on a web publisher's website is related to the kind of content or material that a website visitor is looking for on the site. AdSense allows a web publisher to not only enhance his website but also gives him a great way of earning money off it. AdSense also allows publishers to provide Google web and site search for the visitors in their website. One other money making feature is by allowing Google to display ads on the "Search Results" pages generated from a search string on the website.

Google AdSense is a really powerful way of handling web ads that ensure advertisers' message are successfully transmitted to website visitors. It has also shown how effective it is in providing a good revenue stream for web publishers. But what if you can actually maximize the effectivity of an ad so that it results in more visitors clicking on it, thus maximizing the possibility of making a sale? This would benefit not only an advertiser in terms of revenues generated by the sales, it would also be beneficial to a web publisher who shall enjoy more profits from the click throughs for the ads. This may sound like a pipe dream but it can happen. All you need to do is be aware of how your ads are constructed.

Believe it or not there is a science in the way an ad should be composed so that it will attract the most number of visitors and thus, get more clicks. The idea is simple and the solution is equally simple - make the ads look less like an ad and more like a part of the content of a web page.

Some people might think that this tactic is not being fair and actually an underhanded tactic to take advantage of the Google AdSense program's policies in order to bring in extra bucks.

The truth of the matter though is that it is not illegal. You, as a publisher or advertiser, is just trying to address and solve a limitation of the very nature of most web surfers - that is, they most likely suffer from what is called as banner blindness. Most people typically overlook anything that so much as remotely resembles an ad. The reason? They are constantly bombarded by advertising that they have a tendency to shut out any awareness for an ad when they surf even if technically they would be interested with what an ad has to offer. By using AdSense, you can determine that Internet visitors are actually maintaining their interest because the ads that are shown are related to the content placed inside the page. A visitor who clicks on an ad basically signifies her interest in whatever product or service the ad is offering.

The key towards successfully making more money with AdSense is not in hiding the obvious fact that the links you are presenting are ads. Rather, the trick is in putting the ads on the web page in such a manner that they will not be overlooked or ignored by a visitor.

One effective way of ensuring that a website visitor will not ignore your ad is by using the optimal ad format.

Based on surveys, the most popular format used for ads are the 336 x 280 and 300 x 250 ad sizes. The former receives the highest click through rate among all of the available ad sizes with the latter being a close second. All of the other available ad sizes are not clicked as much.

There is a very good reason why the two mentioned formats are more successful in capturing visitors' attention more than the other formats. And it has everything to do with banner blindness. As previously mentioned, banner blindness is a state when most Internet visitors, who are so used to seeing forms of advertising while they are surfing, would subconsciously ignore anything that would remotely resemble the shape of a piece of web advertising. Based on this, it is quite apparent that ad formats that follow the "traditional" measurements are going to be ignored by a majority of Internet users. The ad format that seems to suffer most from banner blindness is the 468 x 60 banner ad format, so as much as possible avoid using this. The 728 x 90 ad format is not as bad as the 468 x 60 but it still suffers from the banner blindness phenomenon although to a lesser degree.

The so called thin and tall ad formats ( the 120 x 240, 160 x 600 and 120 x 600 ad measurements) also get lower click through rates because of the simple fact that they do not fit well in any other parts of the page except on the right side or left side - which are traditionally used for the navigation section of a website. Considered to be the best place for an ad would be the middle of a web page, so try to get your ads placed in this area to ensure a high click through rate.

Adsense | 即時收入提款機回顧 - 啟用新的互聯網營銷成功

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即時收入提款機是一個系統,帶出了由Sean Gallagher的,自己是一個非常成功的網上銷售商。這是一個綜合課程,涵蓋幾乎每一個方面的網上業務,從一開始就成為成功的。在本系統的重要成分包括:



訪問所有的培訓材料是通過啟動自由俱樂部。上面這一點,用戶可以訪問在線支持,並保持與其他學生接觸。會員可升級為 VIP會員解開更多獨家的東西一樣貴賓在線研討會和培訓下載。


繼續前進,這裡 '山總結的優點和缺點的即時收入提款機。許多積極點使它成為一個強大的產品,但像許多其它的在線課程是不完美的。

**優點 **

- 即時收入取款機完全不同的方式探討網絡營銷,無論是會員營銷,會計師事務所提供,社會媒體,谷歌的Adsense,電子郵件營銷等

- 兩者合計取款機的各種模型,該系統提供了一個很好的方式開始在網上迅速。

- 視頻培訓模塊方法,在目前的明確和切實可行的格式,使其成為一個非常有利的方式自學。由於營銷和技術資料進行了討論適當,初學者不太可能放棄由於絕大多數的材料。

- 作為一個 "活"課程內容定期更新,這個系統保持最新狀態和相關性。這有助於確保網上業務保持同步與變化的互聯網行銷全世界。

- 這是一個全面的培訓課程,不含'噸需要其他附加產品。一切所需要的網上開始,賺取收入提供。因此,初學者也可以專注於創建成功,並不能分心其他工具,主要是提供完整的解決方案。

**缺點 **

- 以即時收入取款機,新營銷有機會賺取收入,但互聯網可能要超過自己的在線課程。作為新手將受益於與其他新加入的互動,避免常見的錯誤,加入自由俱樂部啟動了數個月是十分必要的。然而,這將花費一些。

- 選擇加入網站提供的免費可以快速跳轉啟動初學者,尤其是那些不那麼精通技術。但這還不是完全自由的,因為用戶需要支付域名註冊和網站託管。從長遠來看,它可能是更符合成本效益的用戶管理域名和託管的網站的人數增長。



2011年5月11日 星期三

Adsense | 龕使用AdSense的AdSense獲取財富

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使用AdSense的壁龕,是現代的方式來發揮影響的AdSense在日益飽和的市場。如果您'剛剛重新決定加入谷歌AdSense計劃,被引誘後由它的易用性和無盡的潛力,最好的方法之一,介紹自己的計劃是通過 AdSense龕。


人們用各種方式來獲得自己需要的信息,但其中最流行的方法是迄今為止使用的搜索引擎。搜索引擎已經成為門戶網站的訪問者之間的信息,他們 '重新尋找。有了豐富的信息可以通過搜索引擎,遊客開始意識到,一個詞搜索查詢可以不再給他們他們想要的信息...很快。現在,超過 80%的搜索查詢是由兩個詞或更多。


人們現在使用長尾巴的關鍵字來搜索'正是'他們想要的東西。經過一段時間的重點將是更具體的信息片斷,全面涵蓋了遊客 的話題感興趣。龕適合此配置文件的AdSense完美。他們專注於特定領域內更廣泛的議題和良好的AdSense利基網站涵蓋的主題徹底。他們履行訪問者 '的期望,從而加強旅客'的信任多字的關鍵字搜索。




  • 關鍵字需求:調查遊客需求,通過使用關鍵字的發現工具,找出最流行使用的術語在搜索引擎查詢


    AdSense的壁龕的前進方向是新的AdSense企業家。有多少人使用網和繼承人的需求仍在增長日趨完善,越來越集中和指定。的藝術創造一個網絡的'質量 'AdSense信息網站,是能夠孤立目前在各龕高收入,已經建立的基本主題。


2011年5月9日 星期一

Adsense | 7原因Adsense的統計信息是如何殺死你的業務和...

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然而,任何企業成功的關鍵是要能夠跟踪在您的業務是來自於它是如何相互作用,並與您的網站。不幸的是,統計,谷歌為您提供在您的AdSense帳戶是非常薄弱。事實上,他們提供了足夠的信息,使之看起來像你能夠獲得所有你需要的信息成功。可悲的是,僅僅的ISN '噸如此。

事實上,依托谷歌'的AdSense統計很可能是造成您的業務。嘿,別 '噸誤會我的意思。我'米絕對沒有指責谷歌做什麼壞事,遠離它。但是他們提供的信息只是的ISN '噸幾乎任何地方足以讓你做出明智的決定如何發展自己的網絡業務的方式是最有利可圖的你。下面是一些主要解釋原因依托谷歌'的AdSense統計可能是一個重要的商業錯誤。在最後的文章中,我們提供了一個解釋什麼可以做,以'拯救'自己的AdSense統計厄運。




2011年5月8日 星期日

Adsense | 谷歌- AdSense的是,死

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很多人已作出了過早死亡谷歌的Adsense,但為什麼有些人仍產生可觀的收入從 AdSense?
如果你沒有 '噸出席葬禮的谷歌的Adsense不要絕望,因為你並不孤單。雖然已經有大量關於 AdSense的英年早逝,對真理的問題是,谷歌Adsense是活著,很好。

如果你是新來的整個谷歌- AdSense的是,死騷動讓 的踏回一點點的時間讓你加快速度。切割有點長話短說,你需要注意的是,在即將結束的2005年谷歌幾個月進行了一些微調,其AdSense選擇算法,有效地拉動塞在AdSense歡樂騎士(Adsense的騙子)。

Adsense的喜悅車手是誰被人拉著巨大的Adsense收入由指揮交通噸,其AdSense無關模板網站(Adsense的特定優化網站)。因此,如何Adsense的喜悅是車手能夠畜欄數額如此巨大的交通?簡單!只需付數千人的遊客到他們的網站為象徵性收費,例如,他們可以得到10萬遊客直接到他們的網站約 100美元雄鹿!


唯一要緊的AdSense喜悅騎手的交通來自不同的IP地址,這樣當 AdSense廣告在其網站上被點擊,每次點擊註冊為源於不同的IP地址。這是必要的,以避免點擊欺詐指控(點擊欺詐是說,有多次點擊時發生的註冊來自同一IP地址。點擊欺詐是一個非常老派技術(這是由谷歌迅速無效),以提高一自己的AdSense收益。

其他障礙的Adsense喜悅騎手超過來是如何獲得流量不關心的話題對他們的AdSense(模板)網站,點擊他們的廣告。這是很容易實現。通過讓幾乎什麼都沒有這樣的網頁時,騎手顯著喜悅的Adsense的點擊率提高了他們的AdSense廣告,畢竟,還有什麼可以做其他倒霉的遊客比上一個谷歌的Adsense點擊廣告或點擊他們的後退按鈕。 ..

其實大多數人往往會本能地將 AdSense廣告點擊的結果,嘉清的Adsense大師剛發了薪水...,付出了很多!

但無論如何,谷歌的廣告客戶開始抱怨,他們的廣告是浪費錢,谷歌聽取和調整多一點,有效地減緩了Adsense的開車兜風到完全停止。大約就在這個時候,車手的Adsense喜悅(Adsense的sneakmeisters)開始出售自己的產品和銷售 ...他們努力奮鬥!

他們有充分的證據證明有資金須從谷歌AdSense和他們肯定weren '噸羞於交流的證明。

但那個可憐的關於 AdSense誰想當百萬富翁買的高價產品沒有知道的是,在這些所列的技術課程,已不存在。他們只是沒 '噸谷歌有工作了...看到這一點,這是大師的理由是很慈祥的Adsense讓其餘的世界進入他們的AdSense大型創收系統!

Adsense | 使AdSense為你工作

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你看,你的Adsense激勵本身在'已優化您的網站和大量獨特的遊客關注,像馬一樣的工作,使之符合現金。 Adsense的廣告也隊球員,他們不'噸抱怨他們 '再換成不同尺寸的廣告,以造福於網站,並增加收入!


1。你必須能夠至少有"確定 "的寫作技巧,或者你必須願意聘請一位作家在一個非常象徵性的費用為你寫的文章。

2。你必須有動機有短期和長期計劃,你能夠堅持,也就是說,一個短期目標可以是挑選出一些低競爭性的關鍵字,寫 5篇文章為您的網站,也許對第10-15條行銷 EzineArticles 。com。長遠目標可以繼續編寫好的內容為您的網站,看看您的網站如何與觀眾的反應後 6個月左右。

一旦你把你的網站上的Adsense先生,請務必去一個永無止境的追求產品質量的反向驅動您的網頁在谷歌的網頁排名系統,通過文章營銷(這是我'米做的這種內容豐富的文章),並通過參加論壇,留下您的"簽名 "(其中包括一個鏈接返回到您的網站)。有很多其他方式來獲得高質量的反向鏈接,但是這兩個一直是最有效的我!
