2011年1月15日 星期六

Adsense | 我怎樣才能取消我的谷歌AdSense帳戶,並重新開始?

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我怎樣才能取消我的谷歌的AdSense帳戶,並開始與全國各地不同的名稱但相同的網站?它的一切都是因為我'夠了這個谷歌的AdSense帳戶超過 2年,我的網站流量相當不錯,但我只賺到 $ 0.00!我懷疑我'已經錯過了一些在登記過程,因此我'要取消,並重新開始。但我怎麼能這樣做呢?

很多人有問題與谷歌adsence。說實話,為了賺到真正的錢,你的網頁瀏覽需要在幾十萬的每一天!雖然你做$ 0.00,所以,他們可能是一個問題,您的帳戶。嘗試與他們取得聯繫,看看他們是否能夠解決它為您服務!- WS的

通過 https:/ / www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=9914

谷歌的AdSense使用技巧,我認為是非常有幫助 http://www.google-it-now.com/6tipsonadsense.htm


Adsense | 我如何添加AdSense收入分享模型到我的網站?

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該網站沒有按'噸存在,但是我'米好奇如何,我'D收藏了AdSense的收入份額模型,以我的網站。我的意思是,我們的用戶得到一個百分點就賺來的錢從 AdSense廣告與他們的ID就某些pages.Any幫助表示讚賞,歡呼聲。

最二最簡單的方法是:1。如果你有錢,聘請編碼器,他會做,使用谷歌api.2。設置一個變量,假設它的酒吧。內容 /酒館變量值將發布網站的用戶的ID /作者/投稿/ etc.When觀眾將看到的網站頁面 /文章/職位的一些作者,這些廣告將顯示該作者使用在代碼中的變量 pub.Example AdSense單元:

如果你有多個博客或網站上的廣告和一個 AdSense帳戶,你看到的是,有多少人次你是getting.Is有辦法在AdSense帳戶,以確定哪些網站收到的點擊次數,或者更好的是,什麼網頁 within該網站,什麼廣告?當我嘗試創建一個自定義 URL渠道它說,這贏得了'噸做它的BlogSpot頁。這是真的嗎?那麼我所能做的就是創建自定義渠道和跟踪的顏色?

你可以設置頻道 ...然後將廣告渠道,然後根據您的報告會說 xxxxxxx通道xximpressions xxclicks,二十$ $等。安裝的AdSense>渠道>"添加新的自定義頻道>給它一個名稱>點擊 OK ..然後創建廣告單位 /鏈接單位 /等,並把它們在這些渠道創建 ..你甚至可以為每個站點多渠道跟踪每個廣告 .. blogname - adonleftmenublogname - adontopetc等..無論你希望他們被稱為


2011年1月14日 星期五

Adsense | 當報告 AdSense收入的網站在我Taxforms,我是否需要透露任何細節關於我的網站?

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這位律師會希望看到1099 - misc的形式。當你得到他們,你'會看到如果企業名稱在所有"透露。"





2011年1月13日 星期四

Adsense | 我如何將 AdSense代碼在多個帳戶?

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我有一對夫婦的Blogger帳戶,我想知道如果我可以把他們兩個人上的AdSense?我不'噸真的知道如何做到這一點,想知道如果有人能夠幫助我。我也想知道如果WordPress優於 Blogger嗎?此外,如果有人成功使用AdSense,請您提供一些小竅門也許可以讓我更好地工作。

Ag86,我'米不是廣告檢測準確,但是如果'正是你在想賺錢,那麼你需要檢查下面的鏈接。傑克漢弗萊是主要領導在這 arena.I知道這點,雖然,文字按p '一切都結束了博客!在每一個意義上說,對不起,如果這個需要,在風中你的銷售,但你的生意會好得多,如果你做了調換盡快解決,並最好在您添加了很多內容,您的Blogger博客。你會發現很多的證據來支持這種說法了整個 net.Only,如果你希望賺錢,你需要一個託管的文字記者,而不是免費的版本,因為這違背了它's碼,遲早它會關閉。你可以像一個託管賬戶每月收費 6美元,從 Hostagtor或任何其他主機 company.I希望這會有所幫助?朱塞佩



我知道這點,雖然,文字按p '一切都結束了博客!在每一個意義上說,對不起,如果這個需要,在風中你的銷售,但你的生意會好得多,如果你做了調換盡快解決,並最好在您添加了很多內容,您的Blogger博客。你會發現很多的證據來支持這種說法通過網絡註冊。

只是,如果你希望賺錢,你需要一個託管的文字記者,而不是免費的版本,因為這違背了它's碼,遲早是會得到關閉。你可以像一個託管賬戶每月收費 6美元,從 Hostagtor或任何其他託管公司。




2011年1月12日 星期三

Adsense | 如何查看AdSense報告分別為每個網站?

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你必須設置頻道。他們允許域的渠道,方便peasy你想要的東西。但也列舉了渠道,所以你也許可以把不同領域的下一個 "網站 ",如果他們發生一起去替代的統計信息。又稱,如果兩個渠道是需要在一個網站域名/子目錄(但不是子域名)。然後你可以進一步分解部分或每個廣告在每個 site.But你也必須做的就是讓新的代碼並把它替換成你的網站後,所有舊代碼 '已設置您的渠道 - 記住要附上正確的每個廣告的渠道,為您配置。



2011年1月11日 星期二

Adsense | Google AdSense Profit: Three Steps To Your AdSense Earnings Triple

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If you're like nearly every Webmaster who has Google Adsense on your websites, you have undoubtedly been tempted by the Adsense Gurus who promise to teach you how to make a gazillion dollars a month with no extra work. While this of course sounds enticing, like everything else on the web; if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
I'm going to tell you up front, for free, what all the gurus charge $40 to $250 to learn.
Are you ready?
Are you sure you're ready to receive this earth shattering, mind blowing secret that will MAKE YOU MONEY RIGHT NOW!?
The secret is; There are no Adsense secrets!
Believe me, if there was a secret method to make thousands of dollars a month with little to no work, none of these gurus would go through all the effort to tell the world about it. They would exploit the secret themselves and sit in their walrus leather super massage loungers on their solid gold super yachts and laugh at all the poor saps following the rules
There are no Adsense secrets, just common sense and a couple of neat little ideas that you can implement that will increase the CTR (Click Through Rate) of the Adsense ads being served on your website. And an increased CTR means increased MIYP (Money In Your Pocket).
The first thing you must realize is that content is king. If your website does not have an abundance of keyword rich, search engine friendly content that provides a valuable service to your visitors, no amount of Adsense tweaking in the world will make a difference. There are far too many sites slapped together with the sole intention of generating Adsense income. In fact, for $40 or so on eBay, you can buy a CD with over 350 websites themed to high paying keywords and setup for Adsense. All you have to do is enter your Adsense information and sit back while the Mailman struggles to deliver the hernia inducing bags of Adsense checks to your doorstep.
This is a really cool fantasy, one I like to entertain almost as much as the winning the Lottery fantasy, but it just isn't going to happen. These sites have no original, valuable content. People who may be suckered into visiting one of the sites will see that in an instant, and view the Google Adsense ads as a desperate and annoying attempt at fooling them into clicking. If a live Adsense editor were ever to visit one of these sites, your Adsense account would be suspended quicker than you can say click fraud.
The underlying non-secret that all the Adsense gurus want to sell you is that if your Adsense ads look like content, and are tightly keyed to your own valuable, original content, you will see your CTR rate double at the least, and more likely triple or more.
I recently began implementing the three steps I am about to reveal to you, and my average daily CTR on one of my sites went from .86% to over 4% literally overnight. Now this is a new site, just under a month old and I only get around 100 visitors a day, but I went from $0.30 a day in Adsense revenue to an average of $6.00 a day in Adsense revenue. Now scale those numbers up to the amount of traffic an established site is getting, and you can see just how phenomenal of an increase this is.
1. Remove the Adsense Border. By default, the Adsense units are surrounded by a border with a text box at the top that says "Ads by Gooooogle". You goal is to work the Adsense units into your content as seamlessly as possible, so get rid of the borders. Now, Google won't allow you to delete the borders, but they do allow you to control the colors of nearly every element of an Adsense unit. Simply make the border the same color as the background of your website. This goes for the background color of the Adsense unit as well, change it to match the background color of your webpage.
2. Use Rectangular Box Sizes for your Adsense Units. Like most people, when I first started with Adsense, I primarily used the horizontal skyscraper, you know, the one that looks like a banner. The problem is people have developed an advertising sensory overload, they don't even see banner ads anymore, they visually tune them out. You need to make your Adsense unit blend in with your content, so use rectangular boxes. I get the best response with the 336X280 box size. Most languages are read from left to right, so try to place your rectangular Adsense unit in a table aligned to the right of your text.
3. It's all about the colors. Google gives you an incredible amount of leeway with the colors you can select for your Adsense units. Use this to your favor, in addition to changing the border and background color, change the link and URL color as well. Most people are accustomed to clickable links being blue, so make sure your Adsense links are blue, with one exception: if you use a different link color on your site, change the Adsense links to match that color. At the bottom of each Adsense unit there is the URL for website paying for that ad. You want to draw attention away from the URL and towards the clickable link, change the color of the link to match the body color of the ad, generally black.
Just follow these three simple guidelines and I assure you, your CTR will skyrocket. Keep adding more original, relevant content to your site, increase your targeted traffic, and watch your Adsense revenue explode.
There are many more Adsense techniques that will increase your CTR, but these three are the most important. Watch for future articles in which I explain the importance of positioning your Adsense units and how to track your Adsense campaigns using channels.

2011年1月10日 星期一

Adsense | 谷歌的Adsense是如何工作Youtube視頻?

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我對 2000人訂閱我的YouTube視頻,我知道,有人提到一些有關 YouTube上使用谷歌的Adsense,請問這一切的工作,這就是我要做的開始?

只有這樣,才能使用谷歌的Adsense與 YouTube是成為 YouTube的合作夥伴。前往youtube.com並滾動到頁面底部的。點擊 AdSense服務。

Www.youtube.com /合作夥伴

我'米相當肯定'S的鏈接,你基本上成為 YouTube的合作夥伴,並獲得一定數額的錢和東西的意見。


2011年1月9日 星期日

Adsense | 聯盟互聯網營銷訣竅

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市場營銷是企業成功的核心和基礎,無論營銷的模式,主要的目標是始終如一地接觸到更廣泛的客戶群。吸引顧客喜歡蜜蜂到完成花只能通過使用聰明的營銷策略。互聯網起著重要的作用為企業這些天,因為它是一個媒介,吸引人們趨之若鶩。駕駛潛在 Web流量到您的網站成為你最關心與同時代的大量業務上存在的巨大網絡世界。在各類網絡營銷策略,其中最實踐和營銷技術是生產力最旺盛的聯盟營銷在互聯網上。









